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DC/DCEU Heroes' Feats (Pt. 10) EDIT

Comic Shazam:

Formerly known as Captain Marvel, before DC quit using him for a while and Marvel took that name. Now DC has Shazam. Anyway, let’s get started. Shazam is the alter ego of Billy Batson, who, by speaking “Shazam!” (acronyms for six “immortal elders”: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury) can transform into an adult with superhuman strength, speed, flight, agility, and other powers and abilities. His powers and abilities include the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury. Some DC Universe beings consider him on par with being a demigod. He’s capable of going toe-to-toe with Superman, tanking punches from Supes. He easily broke a crystal that trapped Superman, put Kalibak in a headlock, held back an Eclipso possessed Superman, survived a tesseract bomb that the rest of the Justice League wouldn’t have survived, damaged Obsidian, and showed enough courage to fight the Spectre. He’s powerful enough that he could beat Superman at least 6/10 times (if not just equal with Superman).

DCEU Shazam:

He has the same abilities and powers as in the comics.

He caught a bus:

He gave some of his powers to his siblings (just by having them hold a staff and saying his name):

- Wolf of 300

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