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DC/DCEU Heroes' Feats (Pt. 2)

Comic Aquaman:

Aquaman has superhuman strength, being able to lift between 60-80 tons. But his strength is underrated, if I’m being honest. He also has superhuman speed, stamina, reflexes, endurance, and durability. He can swim 150 miles per hour for up to 4 hours without rest. By concentrating, he can give people seizures, travel through time and space via natural portals in the sea, has the ability to control anything that lives in the ocean, once fed Poseidon a shark, fights gods and punched Death in the mouth, he’s thrown bears at people, and he knows a lot of magic. He can obviously breathe underwater. He can control water via his Trident. Without the Trident, he cannot control the water. He’s also nearly bulletproof and almost invulnerable, and once impaled Superman with his Trident. He has enhanced senses, too. He’s a master tactician and a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist. He lifted a building:

He stopped a falling submarine:

He lifted this giant boat:

Effortlessly slammed this truck:

Lifted whatever this is:

This was his reaction to bullets:

Punches this guy in the face:

Does this to Superman:

I could keep going on and on but let’s move on to DCEU Aquaman, shall we?

DCEU Aquaman:

Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, durability, and endurance. He has the ability to control water via his Trident, breathe underwater, control all marine life, and talk for the fish (not to the fish, but for the fish. At least, that’s what he says, anyway). When underwater, he can swim up to 6,720 miles per hour. He’s strong enough to throw a tank and go toe-to-toe with Wonder Woman. He appears to be falling through the air while calmly doing this:

He did this:

He helped Wonder Woman do this:

He fought this guy:

He moved this fast:

I of course could keep going on and on, but I will stop here.

- Wolf of 300

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