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Greek Titans (Pt. 13)

Let me just say, I'm sorry for not posting for a little while. I've been sick with Covid, plus, after getting better, I've been kind of busy. Forgive me, if you will, dear reader, for I have returned! Anyway, I know y'all want this, so read it, my friends.



Helios is the Titan god of the sun. He was driving the sun chariot across the sky before Apollo took over that role. He was the only son of Hyperion and Theia. “As he rides in his chariot, he shines up men and deathless gods, and piercingly he gazes with his eyes from his golden helmet. Bright rays beam dazzlingly from him, and his bright locks streaming from the temples of his head gracefully enclose his far-seen face: a rich, fine-spun garment glows upon his body and flutters in the wind: and stallions carry him.” Helios was married to Perse, but had affairs with Clymene, Rhode, and Leucothoe. With Perse, he had at least four children: Aeetes, Perses, Pasiphae, and Circe. With Clymene, he had three daughters (some stores claim it was five) called the Heliades, and a son named Phaethon. With Rhode, he had seven sons, the Heliadea, and a daughter named Electryone. The Heliadae surpassed all men in strength and learning. Helios wasn’t major in Greek mythology, because he was replaced by Apollo. But he does appear in “extra” myths that include the other gods and mortals. Helios was the one to tell Demeter that Persephone had been kidnapped by Hades. He also restored the giant Orion’s eyesight. After Medea, his granddaughter, murdered her children, he lent her his sun chariot so she could escape Corinth. He also lent his golden bowl to Heracles (the Greek counterpart of Hercules, if you didn’t know) to help the great hero cross the river of Ocean and fetch the cattle of Geryon. He also was an antagonist to Odysseus. Odysseus’ men killed and ate some of Helios’ cattle. Helios complained to Zeus, king of the gods, and threatened that he would take the sun with him and make it shine in the Underworld lest they were punished. So, Zeus sent a violent storm which destroyed the ship of Odysseus, killing all of his men except for him, since he had taken no part in the killing of Helios’ cattle.

- Atlas

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