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Greek Titans (Pt. 2)


Kronos is the Titan god of the harvest, agriculture, fertility, and the destructive forces of time. Kronos is often depicted as Father Time by mistake. (Father Time would be Chronos, not to be confused with Kronos [or Cronus]). During the Golden Age (the age in which the Titans ruled), Kronos ruled over the Titans, and he briefly ruled over all of the gods and man. Kronos led the rebellion against his father, Ouranos. When Kronos took over, he ruled better than his father at first, but soon became just as tyrannical as Ouranos was. He imprisoned the Cyclopes and the hundred-handed ones (the Hecatoncheires) and, because of a prophecy, he swallowed all of his children (except Zeus, who Rhea hid). Kronos is said to be the father of the wise centaur, Chiron. He transformed into a mare to mislead a jealous Rhea, then secretly mated with Phylia, the daughter of Oceanus. At the beginning of Kronos’s reign, all was perfect and peaceful. It’s said that even the gods themselves walked among the humans at that time. When he became just as tyrannical as his father and started swallowing his children, Rhea consulted Gaea. After being hidden by Rhea and raised by nymphs, Zeus grew up to overthrow his father, Kronos, in the Titanomachy, thus making Zeus the new king of the gods.

- Atlas

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