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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Introduction)

So, I said in another post that I was writing about the 12 Greek gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus, and even writing about Marvel Heroes' feats. Well, this is a post showing the introduction to the Marvel Heroes' feats:

*WARNING: THIS WILL BE LONG* So, I'm going to test my knowledge of Avengers. I'm going to tell about the comic version of each character, then tell about the MCU version of that same character. For example: Comic Hulk, then MCU Hulk, Comic Thor, then MCU Thor, etc. Also, I'm going to show pictures of some of the pages from the comic (if it shows the same thing happening that the feat I stated is. For example: comic Thor punched comic Savage Hulk in the face, killing him. And then show the comic page where that happened (*not true, just an example, duh*). And I'm going to show some GIFs for some of the MCU feats of the characters. Also, I'm not telling ABOUT the characters (I’ll do that in another post), just naming their feats. So, let's get started, I guess. (*NOTE 1: I will not state the different versions of the Hulk, and separate the feats from one version to the other version… I will simply state feats that the Hulk IN GENERAL has done. ALSO, this will apply to ALL the characters I name*) (*NOTE 2: I will only name the characters best feats. There might be some feats named that AREN’T one of the best feats, but I will just add it anyway, because it’s impressive*) (*NOTE 3: I will only tell what I already know. Unless, of course, I don’t know much about the character. If that is the case, then I will state the source that I got the information from*).

So, that's the introduction. Later, instead of tomorrow, I will post the first character's part. I wonder who it will be🤔 oh well, guess you'll just have to wait and find out🤷

- Wolf of 300

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