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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 40)

Comic Sentry:

Sentry is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel Universe. His powers include superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, senses, durability, and invulnerability. He has the power of energy projection and manipulation, flight, telepathy, matter manipulation, resurrection, and enhanced healing factor, and mental projectile. He also has complete control over generating and manipulating light and he’s immortal. He has the power of a million exploding suns. He can easily lift over 100 tons, is able to fly to the sun and back in just minutes (which means he would have to be capable of flying at speeds faster than light) and can catch bullets. The venom blasts Spider-Woman uses (that are capable of killing superhumans) have no effect on Sentry. Some strength feats include ripping Carnage in half:

He shattered Terrax the Tamer’s axe with his bare hands (I couldn’t really find a good comic page scan of this), effortlessly moved a cruise ship, and his (unrestrained) power overloaded the Absorbing Man (who can even absorb the Hulk’s powers):

Perfect Sentry is the combined powers of Golden Sentry and The Void (both two different versions of Sentry) and is the most powerful version of Sentry. He (Perfect Sentry) was able to send Thor and Captain Marvel flying across the city. Death Seed Sentry used telekinesis to stop Mjolnir:

He effortlessly man-handles She-Hulk:

Death Seed Sentry ripped his own head in half and assaulted the Wasp telepathically (sorry its blurry):

He went toe-to-toe with World War Hulk and beat him:

He punched Thor hard enough to shake a planet. He’s fought Thor twice and won both times (I think he won both times. I know he did as Death Seed Sentry, though). Death Seed Sentry does this to Thor:

Sentry ripped Ares in half:

He threw The Void into the sun (again, sorry for the blurriness):

He contains the Cosmic Cube (briefly):

He survives a nuke and brushes it off like it’s nothing, resurrects his wife, and speaks through Paul Jenkins. The Void (another version of The Sentry) was able to bring down all of Asgard, overpowered the Hulk and broke all of his bones, defeated Molecule Man (the guy that can control all of the matter in the whole universe). The Void is also one of the only beings that the Hulk fears. The Sentry has tons more feats, but I’m gonna stop here. Sentry isn’t (yet) in the MCU.

- Atlas


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