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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 9)

Comic Quicksilver:

Just like with comic Scarlet Witch, I don’t know anything about comic Quicksilver, either, other than the fact that he’s fast, of course. So, my source of information comes from Google. He’s a mutant with the ability to think and move at superhuman speeds, and has enhanced agility and reflexes. He is able to run up to 175 miles per hour (in the comics), accomplish feats such as creating cyclones out of pure speed, running up walls and above bodies of water. So, every time I search up a different category of feat (agility, strength, etc.), it just pulls up speed feats, so that’s what I'll focus on, I guess. Telepaths often have trouble controlling/reading his thoughts/mind. He doesn’t have an incredible healing factor, like Wolverine, but he does heal incredibly fast. He does, however, possess superhuman strength (albeit only in his lower body, such as the legs). For this character, I’ll have to (again) show comic page scans, then move on to his MCU self. In this scan, he’s seen running across the water:

I’m not sure what’s going on here, but it looks kind of impressive, so:

Ok, so, I think it’s time to move on to his MCU character.

MCU Quicksilver:

Of course, these are going to be speed feats. So, he moves multiple people out of the way of a train in Avengers: Age of Ultron (this is the only one i could find, but he moves this guy out of the way):

He destroys this robot:

Also, I think things are often slower in his perspective. For example, in his fight against Captain America, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Cap is practically frozen from his point of view (Cap throws his shield at Quicksilver, then the camera slows it down so you can see it from Quicksilver’s point of view. Then, after Quicksilver punches him, the camera speeds up again):

Also, when Thor threw Mjolnir in the same movie (which was fast enough to be moving in Quicksilver’s perspective, by the way), this happened:

Now, he likes to say this a lot:

But then this happens in the same movie (robots, or people, shoot at Hawkeye, and he moves Hawkeye behind the protection of a car, but look what happens):

He gets shot, and collapses, dying. BUT, just before he does collapse, he says, “Well, I didn’t see that coming.” Now, I think I've covered what Quicksilver is capable of, so let’s move on to the next character.

- Wolf of 300

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