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DC/DCEU Heroes' Feats (Pt. 1) EDIT

Comic Superman:

Let’s start with the most powerful Justice League member, shall we? He has X-ray vision, superhuman strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, agility, durability, and endurance, has a healing factor, heat-vision, freeze breath, flight, and an eidetic memory. He destroyed a sun, created a sun, and dragged a galaxy:

He held a black hole in his hands, moved the sun, and bench pressed the weight of the Earth for five days (technically speaking, he shoulder pressed the Earth's weight for five days, which, if I'm being honest, is actually more impressive. But, people insist on referring to the feat as "bench pressing the Earth for five days", so whatever):

He punched time and space itself, and he lifted 200 quintillion tons with one hand:

He rebuilt Bizarro city in a matter of seconds, can see light move in slow motion, can travel faster than photons, traveled to Saturn in roughly 4 minutes after finding out that Lex Luthor became the United States president, and traveled to Pluto and back in just a few panels. He once entered the sun to save a team of scientists, a very impressive durability feat. He is one of the most durable beings in the DC Universe, and, in direct sunlight, he can continue to recharge his Kryptonian physiology. But he can also burn through his reserve of solar radiation. The Flash himself said that Superman was moving over 2,000 miles per second. That’s over 120,000 miles per minute. In Superman: Red Son Issue #1 he stops a train from running over a woman. In the same comic issue, a flight trajectory that weighed five thousand pounds was coming down from space at one hundred meters per second, or 223.694 miles per hour, which was fast enough to level the whole city. Superman himself says he could have either vaporized it with his heat-vision, slowed it’s decent with his freeze breath, or even atomized it with one blow, but instead, he chose to do the “most exciting action”, as he put it:

In Superman: Man of Tomorrow Issue #1 he held up the whole car tunnel. In the same issue, he takes Parasite to the dark side of the moon, which is negative two hundred and eighty degrees, to finish him. In Issue #2 he goes into a burning building that’s collapsing and saves a little girl, gets shot at and the bullets bounce right off, and even gets ran over with a bulldozer. Except he doesn’t budge, and the thing crumbles in on itself. Also, two big guys with spiked brass knuckles get in his way, and he thumps them out of the way with a smirk on his face.

DCEU Superman:

Superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, speed, durability, reflexes, agility, and senses. He has freeze breath, heat-vision, X-ray vision, and flight. He’s an expert hand-to-hand combatant, too. He can breathe in space, too. In Superman and Lois he lifted a truck effortlessly to show his sons he was Superman. I know that’s not impressive compared to other feats, but I haven’t seen the Superman movies or anything in a long time. However, I have just recently watched Justice League, and in that movie, when brought back from the dead, he was able to effortlessly hold Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Aquaman in a fight and even saw the Flash when he was running, which surprised the Flash:

He kept up with the Flash in a race:

He did this:

He tanks these bullets:

He tanks this:

He was fast enough to move in the Flash’s perspective. If you don’t believe that, look at the people in the air, who are basically frozen in his point of view:

He does this:

- Wolf of 300

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