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Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt 12)


Roman name: Vulcan. Hephaestus was the god of fire, smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, stone-masonry, and sculpture. His symbols include the anvil, hammer, and tongs (all tools of a blacksmith). He had the power to control both fire and metal. He even had the ability to make his creations move. He was known as a kind and hardworking god, but also considered ugly by the other gods, said to be the only ugly god among perfectly beautiful gods. Some stories say he is the son of Zeus and Hera, while others say he is the son of Hera alone. After his birth, Hera tossed him off Mt. Olympus. He, luckily, survived the long fall and ended up in the sea near the island of Lemnos, then rescued by the sea goddess, Thetis, who took him to the island of Lemnos. He grew up raised by mortals, never knowing where he came from. Well, until later on in his life, anyway. While living on the island, he became very good at making jewelry and other things, and starting longing to learn about his origins. So, he set out on a mission to find out where he came from. When he eventually found out what had happened to him, he seeked revenge. He crafted a golden throne and had it sent to the gods. When Hera sat on it, it ensnared her, and, despite her supernatural strength, she couldn’t break free from the throne. He went on to become the blacksmith of the gods, where he crafted all their weapons and other accessories. So many gods were preparing to go to war over Aphrodite, and Zeus was growing extremely tired of having to calm so many storms, so he presented Hephaestus with an offer he just couldn’t turn down. He would give Aphrodite to him, but only if he set Hera free from the throne. Aphrodite, though, didn’t feel the same way about Hephaestus as he did for her, and she secretly ended up having an affair with Ares. Her marriage with Hephaestus ended when she gave birth to Ares' child, Harmonia. He was one of the most creative gods, unmatched by any of the others. He injured his leg, causing him to limp. He gets mocked by the other gods because of his limp. During the Trojan War, Hephaestus sided with the Achaeans. However, the Trojans still worshiped him because of his crafting power.

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