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Information About the Gods (Norse)



Symbols - the Valknut, wolves, ravens, eight-legged horse (Sleipnir), etc.

Weapons - Gungnir

Son of - Borr and Bestla

Father to - Thor, Baldur, Hod, Vidarr, Vali

Wife - Frigg

Siblings - Vili and Ve

Had affairs with - I don’t even know

Created - the world (all nine realms), the first humans (Askr and Embla)



Symbols - Mjolnir, goats, Megingjard, Jarngreipr, etc.

Weapons - Mjolnir

Son of - Odin and Jord

Father to - Modi, Magni, etc.

Wife - Sif

Siblings - Baldur, Vali, Vidarr, Tyr, Heimdall, Bragi, Hod

Had affairs with - I don’t know

Created - I don’t know if he created anything



Symbols - snakes

Weapons - Laevateinn

Son of - Farbauti and Laufey

Father to - Fenris, Jormungandr, Hel, Sleipnir

Wife - Sigyn

Siblings - Helblindi and Byleistr

Had affairs with - I don’t know

Created - nothing that I know of



Symbols - he symbolizes innocence, purity, and beauty

Weapons - I’m not sure

Son of - Odin and Frigg

Father to - Forseti

Wife - Nanna

Siblings - Hod, Thor, Vidarr, Tyr, Hermod, Heimdall, and Bragi

Had affairs with - No one that I know of

Created - he was the god of light and beauty, so I don’t think he created anything



Symbols - the Tiwaz rune

Weapons - a sword called Tyrfing

Son of - Odin

Father to - I don’t know if he had any

Wife - Zisa

Siblings - Thor, Baldur, Vali, Vidarr, Heimdall, Hermod, Bragi, Hod

Had affairs with - I don’t know

Created - nothing that I know of



Symbols - Gjallarhorn, Bifrost Bridge

Weapons - Gjallarhorn and Hofund

Son of - Odin and nine mothers

Father to - Thrall and Karl

Wife - Siriana

Siblings - Thor, Vidarr, Vali, Tyr, Baldur, Hod, Bragi, Hermod

Had affairs with - no one that I know of

Created - He guarded the Bifrost Bridge, I don’t think he really created anything honestly



Symbols - the spinning wheel, mistletoe, and silver

Weapons - I’m not sure

Daughter of - Fjorgynn

Mother to - Baldur and Hod

Husband - Odin

Siblings - I don’t know for sure if she has an siblings

Had affairs with - Vili and Ve

Created - nothing that I know of



Symbols - Gollenbursti

Weapons - the antler

Son of - Njord

Father to - Fjolnir

Wife - Gerd

Siblings - Freya

Had affairs with - no one that I know of

Created - not sure



Symbols - amber

Weapons - she didn’t wield any weapons

Daughter of - Njord

Mother to - Hnoss and Gersemi

Husband - Odr

Siblings - Frey

Had affairs with - not sure

Created - her tears create gold

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