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List of Every God and Goddess I Believe In

First of all, I just want to say that I’m only naming the gods from different cultures that I know about, not ones that I have never heard of, because how can I believe in them if I’ve never heard about them before? Also, I have to warn you, I know almost all the Norse gods, a lot of the Greek gods, many of the Roman gods, and a good bit of the Egyptian gods.



  • Zeus - God of the sky, ruler over all gods and man

  • Poseidon - God of the sea

  • Hades - God of the Underworld

  • Hera - Goddess of marriage, and Queen of the Heavens

  • Athena - Goddess of war

  • Demeter -Goddess of agriculture

  • Dionysus - God of wine

  • Ares - God of war

  • Aphrodite - Goddess of sexual love and beauty

  • Apollo - God of sun and light

  • Artemis - Goddess of wild animals and nature

  • Hephaistos - God of fire

  • Hermes - God of trade and Messenger of the Gods

  • Heracles - God of strength and heroes

  • Perseus - Slayer of the Gorgon Medusa

  • Hestia - Goddess of the hearth

  • Cronus - God of time

  • Rhea - Goddess of fertility and motherhood

  • Chiron - Famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine

  • Zagreus - Usually conflated with Dionysus, the god of wine

  • Macaria - Goddess of the “blessed” death

  • Enyo - Goddess of war, destruction, and bloodlust

  • Eris - Goddess of strife

  • Hebe - Goddess of youth and the prime of life

  • Eileithyia - Goddess of childbirth

  • Thrax - Demigod and son of Ares, the god of war

  • Thalia - Goddess of festivity

  • Uranus - Personification of the sky

  • Gaia - Personification of the earth

  • Aether - Personification of the “upper sky”

  • Atlas - Leader of the Titans

  • Boreas - God of the north wind

  • Castor - Had the role of saving those in trouble on the sea

  • Cronos - Not sure, but he’s mistaken for Cronus

  • Helios - God of the sun

  • Kratos - Personification of strength

  • Morpheus - Son of Hypnos

  • Triton - God of the sea, son of Poseidon

  • Typhon - Personification of volcanic forces

  • Zelus - Personification of of dedication, eager rivalry, and jealousy

  • Zephyrus - God of the west wind

  • Hypnos - God of sleep



  • Jupiter - God of the sky

  • Neptune - God of the sea

  • Pluto - God of the Underworld

  • Juno - Goddess of childbirth and Queen of the Heavens

  • Minerva - Goddess of handicrafts

  • Ceres - Goddess of growth of food plants

  • Apollo - God of archery, music, and prophecy

  • Mars - God of war

  • Vulcan - God of fire

  • Mercury - God of translators and interpreters

  • Venus - Goddess of love

  • Liber - God of viticulture and wine

  • Diana - Goddess of wild animals

  • Saturn - God of sowing

  • Ops - Goddess of earth and fertility

  • Bellona - Goddess of war

  • Cupid - God of love

  • Fauna - Goddess of fertility and woodlands

  • Flora - Goddess of flowering plants

  • Janus - Believed to be the god of all beginnings

  • Vesta - Goddess of the hearth

  • Aurora - Personification of dawn

  • Carmena - Goddess that enabled children to sing

  • Cybele - Goddess of protection in time of war

  • Deverra - I’m not exactly sure

  • Fides - Defication of good faith and honesty

  • Hercules - God of strength and heroes

  • Honos - God of chivalry, honor, and military justice

  • Iris - Personification of the rainbow

  • Libertas - Goddess of liberty and freedom

  • Luna - Goddess of the moon

  • Muta - I’m don’t actually know for sure

  • Nemesis - Goddess of retribution and vengeance

  • Portunes - God of keys, doors, and livestock

  • Sores - I’m not sure

  • Spes - Goddess of hope

  • Tempestes - Goddess of storms

  • Voluptas - Goddess of sensual pleasures

  • Volturnus - God of rivers



  • Horus - God of the sky

  • Bast - Goddess of cats

  • Osiris - God of the Underworld

  • Isis - Goddess of healing and magic

  • Set - God of war, chaos, and storms

  • Ptah - Creator-god and maker of things

  • Ra - God of the son

  • Hathor - Goddess of the sky

  • Anubis - Presided over the embalming process

  • Thoth - God of the moon, learning, and writing

  • Amon - God of the sun and air

  • Aker - God of earth and the Underworld

  • Geb - God of the earth, physical support of the world

  • Bennu - Linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth

  • Hapi - Personification of the inundation Nile River

  • Aten - A son god

  • Montu - God of the fourth Upper Egyptian nome

  • Hesat - Goddess in the form of a cow, said to provide the world with milk

  • Heqet - Goddess of fertility

  • Wosret - Goddess of protection

  • Baal - Titled the Lord of the Earth

  • Fa - God of fate and destiny

  • Fetket - Ra’s butler, he provided Ra with his drink supply

  • Horon - Primarily worshipped as the god of calamity and disease

  • Horea - Not exactly sure



  • Odin - God of wisdom and poetry, the All-father and King of Asgard

  • Frigg - Goddess of motherhood and Queen of Asgard

  • Heimdall - Watchman of the Gods, Protector of the Bifrost Bridge

  • Thor - God of thunder and storms

  • Loki - God of mischief and trickery

  • Baldur - God of light, joy, and the summer sun

  • Sif - Goddess of wheat, fertility, and family

  • Tyr - God of war and justice

  • Hod - God of winter and darkness

  • Freya - Goddess of love

  • Njord - God of wind and the sea

  • Borr - God of harvest and land

  • Bil - Not a goddess, but a human girl adopted by the god of the moon

  • Eir - Goddess and/or valkyrie associated with medical skills

  • Gersemi - Goddess of beauty

  • Fulla - Frigg’s right-hand woman

  • Forseti - God of justice

  • Beyla - A servant of Freyja

  • Buri - God of gods

  • Dellingr - Personification of dawn

  • Freyr - The ruler of peace and fertility

  • Gerda - Goddess associated with the earth

  • Henir - God of darkness

  • Hel - Goddess of death

  • Hermod - Messenger of the gods

  • Idunn - Goddess of spring or rejuvenation

  • Lodurr - God of fertility and sensuality

  • Mani - God of the moon

  • Nerthus - Goddess associated with fertility

  • Nanna - God of the moon and wisdom

  • Mimir - God of knowledge and wisdom, titled “Smartest Man Alive” by Kratos

  • Ran - Goddess of the sea

  • Sol - Goddess of the sun

  • Saga - Goddess of poetry and history

  • Sigyn - Goddess of victory

  • Skadi - Goddess of the wilderness

  • Syn - Goddess of watchfulness and truth

  • Zisa - Goddess of Autumn and the harvest

  • Ullr - God associated with skis

  • Vali - God of vengeance

  • Thrud - Goddess of health

  • Vili - God of creation

  • Vor - Seeress of Frigg’s court

  • Bragi - God of poetry

  • Gefion - Goddess associated with ploughing

  • Modi - Secondary god of war

  • Magni - God of strength


My favorite Gods and Goddesses from each of those cultures:














Tie Between Horus and Thoth -










- Wolf of 300

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