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Zodiac (Introduction)

So, we all know about all my other categories (Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats, Norse Gods and Goddesses, etc., etc.). But now I'm going to do Zodiac signs as well.

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Zodiac (Pt. 4)

Gemini: Let’s do Gemini next. So, Gemini is very extroverted and clever. The girl I like is a Gemini, and so far there hasn’t been a...

Zodiac (Pt. 3)

Leo: Leo’s are naturally leaders. They’re joyful, liberal, proud, confident, theatrical, and passionate. They usually love life and live...

Zodiac (Pt. 2)

Sagittarius: Sagittarius is loyal, aggressive, smart, and compassionate. They’re apparently “one-of-a-kind,” or so I hear. They’ve got a...


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