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Zodiac (Pt. 1)

So, let’s start with Capricorn, shall we? Because, y’know, I’m a Capricorn. It’s the tenth sign in the zodiac signs. We Capricorns are extreme workers. We’re ambitious, organized, goal-oriented, and we don’t mind the hustle. We will give up pretty much anything to achieve our goals and dreams. We can be very irritable, often hold grudges, and can be very short-tempered. We don’t like change, and have a hard time going through it. We are also extremely faithful and willing to work out problems in relationships. We like to give advice, but if you don’t listen, we get upset and will walk away. We’re pretty much independent. We don’t need anyone else in order to succeed, but if we value you, we will accept your help. Maybe. We really value how others see us (though I pretend not to care), and we love being complimented. If we guy Capricorns like you, we will flirt. A lot. And we’re good at it, too (or, at least I am). We can often seem very coldhearted when we cut someone off, or try ignoring what they feel, but the truth is, we’re just scared of our own feelings. We always have a lot of motivation to keep going, but when we’re sad or depressed, we lose all of that motivation. We are not that great at talking, but if given time to think of our words, we can get the point across quite easily. We’re better at writing what we feel than we are talking about it. We don’t trust easily because we don’t take people for their word. We tend to push our feelings down, trying to ignore them. When we do contemplate our feelings, we over analyze things. When you first meet a Capricorn, you may think that we’re cold and reserved. But we will reveal our feelings by acting in ways that are loving but are signals of true friendship and commitment. We are very loyal, but not if you are wasting our time. We work best when we are working alone.

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