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Comic and Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 26)

Comic Captain Marvel:

She ambushed Thanos, fought a giant snow monster, fought a dinosaur, deadlifts a train, fights off two sharks, survives an avalanche falling on top of her, and fights with power dampening cuffs on while outnumbered. She possesses superhuman strength and durability, can fly at around six times faster than the speed of sound, and can discharge explosive blasts of radiant energy that she fires from her fingertips. She led the fight against the Builders, went toe-to-toe with Thanos, took out Chitauri, survived Rogue stealing her powers, and ripped Iron Man’s armour off with one blow. Here is her lifting the train:

Going toe-to-toe with Thanos:

Here she is stopping and asteroid:

Here she is fighting a dinosaur:

MCU Captain Marvel:

She has superhuman strength, durability, speed/reflexes, flight, energy manipulation, exceptional piloting abilities, and exceptional hand to hand combat skills. She defeated the Supreme Intelligence, tanked a headbutt from Thanos, carried a spaceship, and stood her ground against Thanos:

She does this stuff:

She carries a truck, single-handedly defeats Starforce, fought Absorbing Man, and defeats the Skrulls with her hands bound. Honestly, in my opinion, her most impressive fight is probably the one against Thanos. Here she is tanking a headbutt from Thanos without flinching:

As a matter of fact, he has such a hard time with her, he uses a Stone to get her knocked away:

- Wolf of 300

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