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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 1)!

So, my last post was the introduction. This post is pt. 1 (the first character). Wondering who it is? Keep reading, loyal....reader... to find out!


Comic Hulk:

He caused earthquakes around the world, destroyed an asteroid twice the size of Earth, almost destroyed the U.S. with a step, tore the fabric of reality, broke Onslaught's shell (by the way, this is Onslaught):

He knocked Superman into space. He even held a planet together:

(One of my personal favorites): he held up a 150 billion ton mountain range:

He’s killed the Thing, smashes Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer), does a clap that tears the fabric of existence, knocks out pre-crisis Superman, and eventually overpowers Thor. As part of the World War Hulk storyline, the Hulk defeated a power-weakened Juggernaut with a single hit. He also has knocked Juggernaut out cold. There are TONS more feats, but these are the most impressive. For speed, he can reach around 150 miles per hour. For durability, his skin is EXTREMELY durable. His skin can easily resist a Ground Zero explosion, the Human Torch’s Nova Blast, planet-shattering impacts, and a blast from Galactus. Now, I think everyone knows his strength increases with rage, but his durability ALSO increases with rage as well. He can even survive nuclear blasts.

MCU Hulk:

MCU Hulk can lift 11 million pounds. Now, although that’s not as impressive as Comic Savage Hulk’s 105 billion TONS, it’s still impressive. Now, other than some MCU’s Incredible Hulk feats I can't do any feats for the Hulk, because the school has blocked a lot (and I mean A LOT) of the sites I tried accessing to find out some of the most impressive feats of MCU Hulk. So, I’ll have to name only what I already know. Anyway, back to the feats. So, some of MCU’s Incredible Hulk feats include: tossing a man 20+ feet, breaks the ground when attempting to lift Mjolnir, tears down a catwalk, throws a large jawbone (to what, I have no idea, but it wouldn’t be in the list if it wasn’t impressive so 🤷), rips off the top of an APC, rips off the hangar door of a Quinjet and messes up the interior by walking through it, tears apart an F-35, and a lot more. Of course, none of the MCU feats are as impressive as the Comic Hulk’s feats. But I have a few that I know from memory (though not right off the top of my head, or whatever) that I'm going to name. These feats include: fighting a giant (and I mean GIANT) wolf, being smashed through a whole building by the Hulkbuster in Avengers: Age of Ultron (I wanted to show a GIF for this, but couldn’t find one). Not only that, but he takes a complete beating from the Hulkbuster, and takes no damage. Other than the fact he had a tooth knocked out, but minutes later, he smiled and there was no gap due to his healing factor. In Avengers: Infinity War, he holds his own against Thanos in a hand-to-hand fight. Of course, he lost, but it was still impressive. He just wasn’t skilled enough to beat him. Thanos is a lot more skilled, and way more intelligent, so that helped him to win. Hulk, however, has more of a “smash/tear things apart and throw them” kind of fighting style.He could possibly beat Thanos, though, but Thanos will win at least 6/10 times (maybe 7/10 times). In Thor: Ragnarok, he fights Thor, holding his own against him, too. Yes, he wins, but only because the Grandmaster intervened. If it wasn’t for the Grandmaster, Thor would’ve won. Still, it was an impressive fight. Also, in Thor: Ragnarok, we hear that the Hulk had beat every other competitor before Thor. But that is not really an impressive feat, because we don’t know WHO these competitors were.

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