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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 10)

Comic Black Panther:

He dodges an arrow after it’s fired, and catches up to Sabertooth, who’s superhuman. Cap himself remarks that BP is faster than the beast he is named after. BP moves faster than the human eye can follow and “vanishes” (much like a vampire, I might add). Now, that’s a few speed feats, so let’s name some strength feats now. For strength, BP stops a Skrull invasion and, specifically, a super duper Skrull sent to stop him. He battled Phoenix Namor, and battled Doom. He defeated his badass future self, and even tactically gathered information on the Avengers, just so he could defeat them. He also has led the Fantastic Four. He can lift (press) a maximum of 750 pounds with supreme effort. He is a great acrobat, and has amazing agility. While he’s not superhuman, he is nearly as strong as a human can be, meaning he is like Cap, a peak human. He’s also an expert tracker as well (all these next ones came from Google, because I haven’t read many Black Panther comics so I had to look some stuff up). Black Panther threw a spear through a stone. He breaks a 1.5 ton rhino’s neck while still recovering from a beat down:

He stops a 20+ foot croc from crushing him with his bare hands (crocs have a recorded bite force of 3,700 pounds). He stops a 5 ton black rhino with his bare hands, lifts a glacier, lifts a concrete slab (that probably weighs between 8,000 - 10,000 pounds), drags a grown man up a building in ten seconds, rips a cargo hatch off a door despite being pressurized AND underwater, breaks an alter in half with only one strike, and decked Namor:

Black Panther holds a man over a ledge while depowered, picks up Hunter by the throat with one hand while also being depowered, holds Punisher by his throat, and easily throws Deadpool with one hand. Now, for speed and agility feats. He outmaneuvers the Human Torch, dodges gunfire, dodges multiple bullets while depowered, dodges automatic gunfire from Hatut Zeraze, dodges Hunter’s gunfire then disarms him, dodges laser fire, dodges Hunter’s missiles which “can never miss” multiple times before disarming him, dodges the Trickster’s various gadgets then knocks him out, dodges Vlad’s projectile, who is peak human strong, while depowered, and dodges throwing stars from Lady Bullseye despite not seeing her coming. Black Panther dodges multiple thrown scalpels from Lady Bullseye while carrying another person AND being depowered, dodges multiple throwing stars from the Hand while depowered, evades Ezekiel Stane’s repulsors with his hands tied behind his back, dodges Jack O'Lantern pumpkin bombs, dodges and catches a spear thrown from behind, catches a blade thrown by Ryder of the Great Society, easily catches blades thrown by Super Skrull with Bullseyes’ power, catches a dagger thrown by Kraven the Hunter while depowered and dealing with the effects of a neurotoxic, catches a sword thrown by Lady Bullseye while depowered, catches a baton thrown by Daredevil, Speed catches Wolverine off guard as Panther dodges and tosses him, was able to jump on the Silver Surfer’s board after Surfer calls for it, Speed catches Spider-man in symbiote suit off guard, faster than Spider-man, outruns Sabertooth, is able to quickly reverse positions with his opponent while hanging off a cliff, saves people from falling off of a building while depowered, able to dodge an ambush attack from a scentless, silent, cloaked Winter Soldier by only feeling a brush of air, and threw three punches in the time it takes a normal (male) human being to throw only one punch. As for intelligence and prep feats, he preps ahead of time for the Fantastic Four and (systematically) incapitates them each one-by-one, made the techno-jungle for fun, determined how Klaw’s machine worked (in only an instant), adjusted the Grim Reapers radio receiver to contact the Avengers, disables a nuclear war-head while in mid-air AND depowered, made Captain America a new shield (looks like Tony Stark wasn’t the only one who did this, huh), invented and developed Falcon’s wings (wow, I’d always thought that Iron Man had done that), physically defeats Mephisto by breaking his connection with his realm, mentally tricks and defeats Mephisto, joined and spied on the Avengers without them knowing, created weapons to defeat Klaw mid-fight, learned how to get past Iron Man’s force field (surprising Iron Man), created corrosive gel that eats away Iron Man’s armor, designed the original Avengers Quinjet, was able to free Lorna instantly when the Red Ghost (one of the smartest people in the world) was unable to, designs his own vibranium mesh suit, designed his Thrice Blessed Armor at only 12 years old, used part of his Galactus Protocols to stop Galactus’s heralds, correctly reduced Reed Richard’s ship would be booby trapped by the Wizard, slips the Thing vibranium ear plugs once Klaw surprisingly re-appears as T’challa was seemingly prepped for Klaw whenever he appeared again, developed the plan to stop the Skrull Invasion of Wakanda, developed the plan to stop God of Emperor Doom and Battleworld, developed a new branch of science called Shadow Physics, then used it to render all processed Vibranium inert, creates tech that immobilizes his target and takes away guns (using local hardware store materials), creates tech that neutralizes Vlad’s powers (using local hardware store materials), hacks into the city’s power grid, hacks Deadpool’s teleportation device, creates a device that shuts off Vlad’s and his son’s powers (out of local hardware store materials), and easily hacks into the doctor’s computer and turns off all evil monkey collars:

He creates a computer with internet capabilities despite the entire city having no power and no internet connection, creates a device to remove the Hate Monger (out of local hardware store materials), beats Wilson Fisk at chess, creates a temporary X-Gene suppressant (from local store supplies), creates a gadget that temporarily dampens telekinetic and psionic powers, designed the Life Raft, which was capable of surviving universe destroying incursions, helps transform Galactus into the Life Bringer, develops a strategy to defeat Jakarra in battle, creates a device that takes out Thanos, created and built a prison capable of holding Sentry, created star cells, which could cure death itself, and creates a virus (Covid-19! Just kidding) to cause Duke clones to burn out in seconds instead of days. Now, for technological feats. Eh, there’s too many, so I’ll just state the ones that I think are the most impressive ones. He made a self flying plane. He made vibranium sole boots that allow him to run up a building, land from a 50 foot jump/fall without making a sound, walk on water, and allow him to break metal chains. He made a vibranium mesh suit that is knife proof, bullet proof and absorbs the power of a point blank RPG, Ezekiel Stane’s repulsor blasts, Fenris twins’ blast, Namor’s strike, and a laser beam from a Hyena clan member. The vibranium mesh suit also redirects absorbed energy (meaning it will absorb a blast and redirect it to his opponent/enemy), and it’s insulated with lightning (supposedly). It’s also unaffected by an electric net that disables Namor. He charged his suit with static electricity to hurt Hydro-man. He even created a solar flare from the suit to kill massive amounts of vampires. He made a vibranium, bulletproof car that is invincible to a police radar (I need that car!). He has night vision in his suit. His claws on the suit can damage Iron Man’s armor, and cut through Deadpool’s katanas, and even cut Namor. He added various cures for vampirism into his claws (but HOW??? There is no cure for vampirism). He made his own Hulkbuster armor (much like Iron Man’s Hulkbuster armor):

He made vibranium ropes that contained and knocked out the Winter Soldier. Now, like I said, there’s a lot (and I mean a LOT more) and I only named the most impressive ones (in my opinion, anyway). Now, moving on to his durability feats. He survived getting beaten by Killmonger then thrown down Warrior Falls. He also survived a fall from an exploding nuclear warhead. He tanks an explosion, and easily takes a shot from the Hulk and even done this without his vibranium suit (impressive). He fought Killmonger for 13 hours during a tribal challenge. He tanked a shot from an enraged Namor. He easily survived being swallowed by Black Dragon. He even remained conscious after a blast from Starfox, a herald of Galactus. He is able to withstand the atmosphere miles under the Earth’s crust. And he trans-located into Galactus’s home. For his senses feats, he’s got enhanced hearing, smelling, and eyesight. I think I mentioned at the beginning of Comic Black Panther’s part that he also has enhanced physical abilities as well, such as speed, agility, etc. Just like a cat, he can see in the dark (I mean, he IS named after a cat after all, so it makes sense). He sensed Doom’s henchmen before Doom himself did. He can hear electronic pulses through a wall, and can also hear the sound of electronics through a soundproof door. His enhanced smell allowed him to pick up Vibraxa’s scent even though he hadn’t seen him in a really long time. His enhanced smell even allowed him to pick up Judd half a mile away. He can even smell Wolverine’s lust for Storm (ok, now that’s just weird. But also useful to make fun of/tease Wolvie!). He can hear approaching jets from miles away, hear an explosion from 20 miles away, can hear Atlantian (people in Atlanta) heartbeats from outside a ship, can clearly see objects from 47 miles away (apparently), can track souls (now I want his senses), and re-creates a crime scene by using his senses. Now, last feat category: his combat feats. He escapes entrapment of Medusa’s hair via strength and agility, evades and decks Karnak, uses Captain America’s shield (for the first time) and is able to throw it perfectly off a building to stop Klaw construct (while impressing Cap), can move silently through echoing caves (not really a combat feat, but still), and can follow Daredevil without him knowing, despite DD’s heightened senses (more of a tracking feat though). He resists King Cadaver’s telepathic assault, telepathically hides his thoughts from Cable, and is able to fight Shadow King’s telepathic control (to an extent). He was able to telepathically block Emma Frost from his mind, and tech in his suit blocks telepathic assaults. He jumps ten feet in the air (not a combat feat though, to be honest. That’s more of a strength/agility feat). He uses nerve strikes and pressure points on Hunter, Sound of the Sensors, Luke Cage, a Super Skrull, Blokk the Destroyer, and Death Tiger. He was able to leap across a theater to stop an assassin. He casually dodges and counters Arabian Knight’s attacks while talking to Storm. He can track Vibranium anywhere, thanks to the Heart Shaped Herb. KOed Silver Surfer after removing his Power Cosmic. He was able to sneak through The Mentor’s (Thanos’ father) house security without being detected, which surprised The Wizard. He was able to determine Brian’s fight strategy and adjust his strategy (mid-fight). He even realized he was being tracked by the expert tracker Kraven the Hunter. He sneaks into Shadowland without the Hand, Lady Bullseye, or Typhoid Mary knowing. He sneaks up on Spider-man without his spider sense going off. He can also sense where opponents move before they do. He controlled zombies using his King of the Dead power. He was able to raise a “Force Ghost Army.” He takes the tower of the Tiger God and uses it to defeat Logos. Now, that’s all for Comic Black Panther. Moving on to MCU Black Panther.

MCU Black Panther:

He can lift up to 2 tons (or 4,000 pounds). And, he was strong enough to tackle a rhino that was bred for war in (if I’m not mistaking) the first Black Panther movie:

He kicked Bucky hard enough that this happened in Captain America: Civil War:

He was also strong enough to effortlessly pull Bucky’s metal arm away from his throat in the same movie:

BP is Wolverine’s superior in a lot of ways, and was even able to beat him in a short fight before, too, although I’m not exactly sure if that was in the comics or in the MCU (but, when it really comes down to it, Wolverine would beat BP at least 7/10 times. Sorry T’challa!). He has enough fighting skill to fight (and probably win at least 7/10 times) someone who has defeated someone who practiced every fighting skill in the world (although that was the comics, but he could probably do it in the MCU, too, though): Captain America. In Captain America: Civil War, BP overpowers Cap, proves he has better agility (trust me, the only people I know that can do something like this aren’t even human, or peak human, either. In no way are they human. But BP can do this, and in the MCU he is only peak human):

He proves he is durable in the same movie, by tanking a shot that no human can get back up from (and this shot also can drop several heroes as well) especially when they don’t expect it:

His nails were sharp enough to do this to Cap’s nearly indestructible shield:

(If you can’t see that clearly, he scratches Cap’s shield). As much as Cap puts up a fight against BP, BP clearly can defeat him 8/10 times :

I’m just going to mainly show scenes that proves his feats, but, of course, I’ll also tell about his strength, too. His nails are even sharp enough to do this (couldn’t find a GIF, so here’s a picture):

Without his suit, he’s still strong and skilled. Strong/skilled enough to fight and beat the Winter Soldier. Let’s look at some speed feats now, though. He’s fast enough to keep up with a rhino (the same one he tackled). He’s also fast enough to match Bucky and Cap in combat speed. He dodges several close range arrows shot by Hawkeye. He can run about 27 miles per hour. By the way, he’s been the protector of Wakanda for generations. His suit helps him take blows from his opponents, of course. It has vibranium weaved into it (vibranium is what Cap’s shield is made out of). In the MCU, he’s been filmed in three different suits. His suit is constructed of nanotechnology. His suit does give him more power and durability, but, even without the suit, do not (I repeat: do NOT) underestimate him and pick a fight. Unless, of course, you simply want to get your ass kicked. Although it gives him more power, the real power of Black Panther comes from the enchantment that MADE him the Black Panther. Something I think is neat about his suit is that it glows purple. I did some research and figured out that the reason it does this is because it stores kinetic energy and glows purple as it takes in more damage. That’s pretty neat. The metal in his suit has the ability to absorb kinetic energy, or energy in motion, at extremely efficient levels. Wolverine can cut through BP’s suit, but not Cap’s shield, probably because BP’s suit is thinner. Just like in the comics, he has enhanced abilities/senses such as hearing, smell, sight, speed, agility, durability, strength, tracking ability, stamina, healing, and reflexes. Just like Cap’s vibranium shield, BP’s suit is nearly indestructible. In the comic Black Panther section, I mention that he raised the dead. But, sadly, I don’t think he is capable of doing that in the MCU. Oh, yeah, somebody asked me if Black Panther can beat Thor, and I simply walked away. Because, like every superhero, BP has a weakness. And guess what that weakness is. “What? What is his weakness, David?” His weakness is electrocution. He stands no chance against Thor. Now, if a Black Panther is killed, someone else has to become the Black Panther, to replace him. And, a great ability to a new Black Panther is the ability to draw upon knowledge, strength, and every experience of every previous Black Panther. Any Black Panther, of course, has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, agility, stamina, endurance, durability, and senses, as I mentioned above. Black Panther is a genius level intellect and a master martial artist, tactician, strategist, and inventor. He is great at utilizing vibranium suits and equipment. A lot of fans think, from what they’ve seen from the MCU, that BP is indestructible. But, no, he is not indestructible. Like I said above, he has a weakness. Plus, he can be damaged even without his weakness being the cause. I will show some GIFs of his durability. Oh, by the way, he can do this:

Do you think that’s impressive? Well, do you? You better answer me.

Yes, you say? Ok, thanks for the answer.

Anyway, this happened to him:

As you can see, he’s pretty durable. Now, I’ve gone through several amazing feats, and although it’s not as long as the comic section, and I could, of course, keep going, I think I'm going to stop it here. Who’s next? I don’t know. I’ve just been going in order from whoever comes to mind first after I finish a character. So, anyway, let’s just move on to...Ha! You didn't really think I was going to tell you, did you!?!

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