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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 11)

Comic Doctor Strange:

This should be interesting... If you know about Doctor S, then you know why I say that. But, then again, I don’t know much about him, other than his powers and abilities. I don’t think I really know many feats, if any at all. So, let’s get started, shall we? Possibly his best feat: immortality. We all know what that means: he’s like, for example, Deadpool, he can’t die. Or, at least, if he does, he’ll just come back. Other incredible powers he has include: time travel, teleportation, telepathy, hypnotism, telekinesis, crimson bands of Cyttorak, magical energy blasts, time manipulation, reality warping, eidetic memory, magic, and flight. Let’s just show some scans of comic pages where he’s using his powers:

Here, he seems to be able to “breathe” in space:

He seems to have taken a beating, but still able to do this:

Not sure what’s going on in this scan but it looks pretty impressive:

This is just a scan that shows three pictures of him using his powers:

This looks a little impressive as well, though, again, I’m not sure what’s going on:

Let’s just move on to the MCU Doctor Strange, though.

MCU Doctor Strange:

In the MCU, let’s just say that, if Thanos hadn’t have had the Infinity Stones, Doctor Strange would have been able to single-handedly finish him off. That being said, Thanos still had a hard time defeating him, even WITH four Infinity Stones. Some fans of the MCU say that HE is the most powerful Avenger, but it’s actually Thor. Yes, Doctor Strange IS powerful, but Thor is the MOST powerful. Thor is physically stronger and more durable, but Strange is way more intelligent and and can use tricks with his magic in battle that can give him an edge.For feats, though, he holds his own against Kaecilius on two occasions, momentarily holds off a blast from Dormammu before it overcomes him, and projects a force field around himself, Iron Man, and Spider-man while inside the Q-ship to protect them from the impact of it crash-landing onto Titan. He blocks daggers thrown at him by Drax. He’s sometimes considered (and described as) the “mightiest magician in the cosmos.” His powers include: flight, summoning objects, extreme intelligence (is that considered a power, though?), teleportation, astral projection, energy blasts, protective fields, universal awareness, and some more that I don’t know. His abilities include: mastery of magic, great at utilizing mystical artifacts (such as a Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto), he’s a genius-level intellect, skilled martial artist, gifted physician and surgeon, and he serves as the Sorcerer Supreme (the primary protector of the Earth from all magical or mystical threats). He also has enhanced memory. He can create travel portals, too. I’m going to be honest, that’s really all I know about him. But, I’m going to show some GIFs of him using his power. And, trust me, he IS impressive.

In Thor: Ragnarok he kept... teleporting(?) to different areas in his house:

If you think this is Thor at a first look, then look again:

He’s able to do this:

As you can tell, he is incredibly powerful. He is impressive, too. What’s that you’re thinking? “He’s not impressive”? Ha!

-Wolf of 300

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