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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 12)

Comic Vision:

First of all, I have NEVER read a vision comic, but he does appear in other comics, though, so I’ll use the knowledge that I’ve learned from those comics to write this part. So, let’s get started. Due to his unique physiology, Vision has many great powers, including the beams of solar energy he is able to unleash, the unique abilities that come with being an artificial being, and his notable power: the ability to alter his own density, which allows him to turn intangible, grant himself great durability, superhuman strength (can lift/press up to 50 tons). He has superhuman durability. He can become extraordinarily massive and harder than diamond (this applies to the MCU Vision as well). At maximum mass, Vision weighs about 90 tons. Due to his ability to use his powers in tandem, he’s employed his super strength in a number of ways that has given him the edge in battle. His super strength has been used in the air, during super speed situations, while using energy blasts, and remote interfacing. I hate to say this, but that’s all I know about the comic Vision.

MCU Vision:

First of all, he’s kind of new to the MCU. He first appears in the MCU in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Being an artificial life-form/android of sorts, Vision has superhuman senses, superhuman stamina, reflexes, speed, strength, agility (even without being at high density), superhuman analytical capabilities, and the ability to process information and make calculations with superhuman speed and accuracy. Vision is an android that possesses a synthetic body made from vibranium created by Ultron with Helen Cho’s help, using the powerful artifact known as the Mind Stone to bring Vision to life. But, I’m not supposed to tell about the characters, just about their feats. So, let’s move on to his feats, shall we? So, for his strength feats. As a synthezoid composed of vibranium, Vision possesses superhuman strength (oh, wait, I already said that). He demonstrates this when he effortlessly overpowered Hawkeye, took down numerous Ultron Sentries with his bare hands, and overpowered Corvus Glaive despite having been stabbed by his weapon in their fist fight. For speed, in his normal form, he can reach speeds up to 700 miles per hour, however, at minimum mass, he is able to fly up to 1,150 miles per hour. The solar jewel on his forehead absorbs ambient solar energy that his body is able to convert directly into usable forms by a process with 99% (of course) efficiency. For durability, Vision is an organic vibranium weave, while Cap’s shield is pure vibranium. The weave that makes up Vision is less durable, but it is more pliable and flexible. This tradeoff was necessary to create Vision’s human-like movements. The vibranium composition of Vision’s body allows him to tank attacks of immense force with no visible damage to his exterior. His resilience is further reinforced with aid from the Mind Stone, which allows him to vastly increase his density. I have now told about his feats, so let's look at some GIFs. Look at what he does (effortlessly) to this robot:

He was able to do this:

Now, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, no one in that movie was able to lift Mjolnir, besides Thor, of course. Duh. Just watch:

When Cap (I think it was Cap) asked if he could try, Thor, smiling, said:

Now, some might think that Cap, being the leader of the Avengers, would be able to right? Well, just watch:

Wondering why Thor frowned? Something I didn’t notice in the movie happened. Watch the hammer closely. So, it shocked Thor when Vision did this:

But, I can tell you this: Vision is NOT necessarily worthy of Mjolnir. You see, Vision is not actually a living being. Things like, say, for example, elevators, can lift Mjolnir. What I mean is, elevators are not weighed down by Mjolnir, because they are not living. Vision isn’t a living being either, therefore he was able to lift Mjolnir. But, that does NOT mean he is worthy, though. Now, let’s look at some more GIFs:

I can’t really find many more GIFs, so I’ll stop here.

- Wolf of 300

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