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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 13)

Comic Falcon:

I don’t know much about the comic Falcon, but let’s see what I do know, though. Falcon is effectively bulletproof, easily deflecting shots from Nuke’s mini-gun. It’s also a good feat for his use of Redwing, having him dispose of a grenade. Falcon tanks a bullet from behind and dodges a point blank shot. Falcon survives an inferno of an explosion. Falcon is strong enough to lift at least twice his body weight, which is 480 pounds, because he weighs 240 pounds, according to Google. His abilities include: being an expert bird trainer, skilled hand-to-hand combatant, martial artist, aerialist, and acrobat. Falcon has flight, via wing harness, he’s a proficient tactician, and strategist, and has an empathic and telepathic link with all birds. His wings are controlled through the help of nanotechnology which he can communicate and which can also send and retrieve computer information. Before Falcon’s training with Captain America, he possessed strength of that of a normal human who engages in regular exercise. However, over the years of intensive training with Cap, he possesses peak human strength. While flying, he can reach speeds of up to 250 miles per hour. Sadly, that’s all I know, so let’s go to MCU Falcon.

MCU Falcon:

I THINK he can only reach speeds up to 100 miles per hour. I’m not sure how strong he is, but I think he’s only peak human, not superhuman. As for his running speed, I have no idea. By the way, this is going to probably be short. Possibly shorter than the comic Falcon’s part. So, to make this longer, I’ll just show some GIFs, I guess:


Let’s see that again!:

He was able to do this:

- Wolf of 300

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