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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 14)

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting for the past week. I thought I would be working over spring break, but I couldn't get a job. So I just decided to chill.

Comic War Machine:

Again, just like with comic Scarlet Witch, I know nothing about this character. So my source of information for this section is all from google. He is capable of lifting between 85-100 tons when wearing his armor (like Tony Stark, War Machine is a guy in an armor suit with a lot of weapons on it. More than Iron Man’s suits, I think). When he had the satellite armor he single handedly destroyed a whole Skrull Amada. His greatest feat (according to a fan, not me) is when he beats Iron Man in the Mark L armor with the Eidolon Warwear. The armor provides Rhodes superhuman strength, speed, and durability. The armor responded to his commands and created weapons based only on his thoughts and needs. I’m just going to show some comic book page scans now:

This looks like the one where he beat Iron Man:

This one shows just how armored he is (or can be):

So this, my people, is War Machine:

MCU War Machine:

War Machine, in the MCU, is able to lift up to 60 tons, enough to lift and move a modern war tank. The latest War Machine suit has a maximum speed of Mach 8, which is 8 times faster than the speed of sound (no, not light. Sound). His abilities include: being a trained Marine in armed and unarmed combat, aviator and aviation, and engineering. His suit: superhuman strength, speed, durability, reflexes, and senses. Supersonic flight, energy repulsor, and a variety of offensive and defensive weapons. He has regenerative life support. Let’s see some GIFs:

Yes, that’s Scarlet Witch:

Iron America? Or Captain Man? Or, wait, is it America Man? Or, no, maybe it’s Captain Iron? Wait! I got it! It’s Iron Captain! No, no, that couldn’t be it either:

Here Iron America/Captain Man/America Man/Captain Iron/Iron Captain is again!:

Welp, poor War Machine:

He doesn’t look too happy to see me, does he:

Uh, Tony, you’re forgetting something:

Holy shit, here No Name is again!:

I think I’ve proved how impressive War Machine (and No Name, let’s not forget him) is. So, I guess let’s move on to the next character. Who is it, you ask? Well, just keep reading to find out.

- Wolf of 300

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