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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 15)

Comic Odin:

Yes, this is THE Odin, comic Thor’s father. And this should be good. Because I know a LOT about Odin. Let’s get started. Odin is the most powerful of the Asgardian gods. He possesses a massive energy source called the Odinforce (sometimes called the Odinpower). His physical abilities are augmented, including superhuman strength, lifting up to 75 tons, superhuman durability, and regenerative powers. His abilities/powers include: superhuman strength, durability, and longevity. Dimensional transportation, electric manipulation, flight, weather manipulation, astral projection, energy blasts, illusion casting, magical energy manipulation via Odinforce, and telepathy. A battle between Odin and Seth shakes the multiverse, which could “imperil untold galaxies.” In the heat of the battle, Odin’s power outshines the galaxy and destroys a planet. He’s also immortal. He also has the ability to absorb the power of all the Asgardians inside himself to greatly augment his already formidable powers. Someone asked me if Odin is more powerful than Zeus. Well, I’d say yes, because Odin is able to basically wipe the floor with Thor, and since Thor was able to hold his own against Zeus, Odin would be more powerful than Zeus is. Maybe even more than just “slightly more powerful.” He’s powerful enough to beat Thanos. He’s thousands of years older than Thanos. He knows more secrets to the cosmos than Thanos and he has conquered and defeated many more powerful opponents than Thanos has ever faced. Odin, in his prime, would have prevented Thanos from finding the Infinity Stones. He has torn off the Tenth Realm from the World Tree and sealed it inside a universe-sized prison. He created the Odinsword, stated to be capable of rending infinity when unsheathed by one unable to control it, and which was later stated to be able to end all things. He created a galaxy-wide explosion while fighting. From Earth they can see the effects from this fight. Odin is a “skyfather” but has universal levels of power. He destroyed entire galaxies in his battles with Seth in an effort that shook the entire universe and tore the very fabric of the multiverse. He, as I said above, in the comic Thor section, placed the enchantment on Mjolnir, making it to where anyone who lifts the hammer is worthy of the power of Thor. No living being may wield it unless they are worthy. This is reflected in the inscription on Mjolnir: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor” Also, as I stated in the same part, Odin is stronger the (and all the other) enchantment(s) on Mjolnir, since he placed them all there, so he can lift/wield Mjolnir. A power struggle between Odin and Forsung shatters dead planets and creates a sun in its wake. A battle with (can’t remember who, sadly. sorry) crumbles planets and makes galaxies fall, and threatens Earth from a great distance away. The Odinforce is a powerful, mystical energy used by the Kings of Asgard, but mainly Odin (hence the name). This power is nearly infinite, and allows Odin (and, later on, Thor) to rival the powers of the strongest/most powerful beings in the universe. His “chief weapon” is Gungnir (a.k.a. “The Spear of Heaven”), a three-pronged spear that only he can wield. The spear is enchanted to generate into a guardian serpent if anyone other than Odin lays hands on it. He is extremely old (millions of years old), so he is EXTREMELY powerful, skilled, and experienced. I’m going to show comic page scans now.

This appears to be him “mopping the floor” with Thor:

If you can’t tell what Odin is saying, then he’s saying, to Thor, “Are you a man, or are you a GOD?!?” I can’t find any really good looking scans, so I guess I’ll move on to MCU Odin.

MCU Odin:

He made Thor’s Avengers: Infinity War weapon, Stormbreaker. Personally, I like Mjolnir better. It was Thor’s original weapon and his main ally in battle. Stormbreaker’s okay, but I just like Mjolnir a lot better. Odin possesses superhuman strength, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and he is extremely long-lived. Some believe he is over a million years old in the MCU, while others think he is only around 5,000 years old. Thor, however, is only 1,500 years old in the MCU, so maybe Odin is only 5,000. I’m not saying he’s either one, because I don’t know. The Odinforce is one of the most powerful forces in the MCU (yes, MCU Odin also possesses the Odinforce). Using the Odinforce, he could possibly defeat Thanos. But, since he is too old, he could also lose. But, I’d say that Thanos would probably win about 6/10 times, though. Now, if Odin was in his prime, Thanos might only win about 2/10 times, maybe even 3/10 times. But Odin is not in his primes, as you can see:

Odin defeated Surter thousands of years ago, taking the source of his power, the Eternal Flame, back to Asgard and confining Surter to Muspelheim, where he remained for 5,000 thousand years. MCU Odin, unlike his comic self, is not immortal. Due to his royal lineage, a lifetime of constant combat, and his Odinforce, Odin’s physiology is more advanced than the rest of the Asgardians - even Thor and Loki. His abilities include: flight, telepathy, superhuman strength, speed, durability, speed, longevity, astral projection, weather modification, and electric modification. Just like his son, Thor, Odin can summon lightning. I’d like to show GIFs of Odin, but I can’t find any good ones. So, I think this will be the end of MCU Odin’s part. Damn. I wished this could have been longer.

- Wolf of 300

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