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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 18)

Comic Black Cat:

Now, I know that Black Cat is a villain, but she has also been a hero, too. If you don’t believe me:

I looked it up, because she was with Spider-man for a long time, and it’s been a while since I read the Spider-man comics, so I couldn’t remember if she was a hero at one point. So, let’s get started. Black Cat is a super-human with the ability to bring bad fortune upon anyone in her vicinity. Her claws are sharp. They are sharp enough to cut glass, Spider-man’s webs, cuts a cable, slashes a robot, slashes apart a robot suit, and can cut through metal. She has peak human strength. With maximum effort, she can lift up to 800 pounds. Other than the fact that she has kept up with Spider-man on occasions, I don’t know anything about her speed. She is an expert burglar, skilled martial artist/hand-to-hand combatant, skilled gymnast, and she has heightened strength, agility, balance, and vision. Her reflexes, agility, and stamina are that of an Olympic level acrobat. She is an excellent street fighter, capable of taking on several armed assailants and incapacitating them without being injured herself. Also, she is, for a comic character, hot. And, well, thick:

She clearly likes to be revealing:

You see what I mean. Sadly, there is no MCU Black Cat, so I can only do the comic Black Cat.

- Wolf of 300

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