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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 19)

Comic Red Sonja:

A sword master, martial arts expert, and an expert at fighting the supernatural. Her strength is considered “berserker strength.” When angered or outnumbered, Sonja can go into berserker fury, which increases her strength and deadliness in battle. She has single handedly beat waves of armed opponents while in this state, literally becoming a one-woman army. She’s a weapons master. Sonja is a virtually unparalleled sword-master of her era, having fought and defeated countless enemies with her blade. Even Conan himself, a legendary swordsman, could not beat her in a duel. She’s a great escape artist. She has peak human agility. Honestly, that’s really all I know about her. Anyway, she’s a badass and you need to respect her. Who said so? I DID! Besides, respect this and you MIGHT get lucky (not really):

She wears a chainmail bikini as her clothing/suit/outfit/armor. Nothing else. Just the chainmail bikini:

She’s actually the most revealing (clothes) character (hero/heroine):

There is no MCU Red Sonja.

- Wolf of 300

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