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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 2) EDIT

Last one was the Hulk, this one is Thor. Let’s begin, shall we? (WARNING: Very long post ahead).


Comic Thor:

First, let me say that I think he’s the God of Thunder because Zeus is the God of Lightning. And I’ve read almost ALL the Thor comics. Let’s get started. He possesses great senses that allow him to track people traveling faster than light and also hear cries from the other side of the planet. He matched the Hulk’s strength for an hour (which is impressive, since the Hulk gets stronger throughout the fight due to rage), pushed the leaning tower of Pisa with ONE FINGER (which ways 14,500 metric tons), lifted the World Serpent (which is three miles long) with no effort, destroyed the Silver Surfer’s force field, threw a planet out of orbit by arm-wrestling, lifted the Midgard Serpent, which is said to be as heavy as the earth itself (5,973,811,512,900,000,000,000 metric tons is supposed to be the weight of earth’s mass, but maybe not earth’s weight, unless that’s the same thing. I don’t know), cracked a celestial’s skull, knocked out the Phoenix Force:

He broke Adamantium cables (that’s what Wolverine’s claws are made out of), accidently knocked out Namor (yes, it was an accident, but he still did it), ripped apart millions of tons of Earth, and pushed the World-engine:

He held up a skyscraper, and, my personal favorite, lifted the weight of 20 planets with one arm. He towed an island like it was nothing, throws the Odin Sword through a celestial, and a train passes over him and he doesn’t give an inch:

He crumbles URU into dust, something not even the Hulk can do. In Thor #281, he resists the gravimetric pull akin to “that of a neutron star.” The force of his punches levels a countryside. When wrapped in Adamantium cables (remember that’s what Wolverine’s claws are made of) he breaks out just by flexing, snaps the chains that were made to hold 10 Frost Giants “like straw,” flexes and breaks material that was made to hold Olympian gods. In Journey Into Mystery #119, he leg presses millions of tons of rock onto the Destroyer:

Now, there are TONS more, but let's move on to durability. Ghost Rider’s hellfire doesn't even faze Thor. Thor walks on the surface of the sun, which is over 27 million degrees. From Thor #300, he survives being rocked by multiple blasts by the Fourth Host of Celestials (one of his most impressive feats). He gets hit by a doomsday bomb, capable of destroying planets, and doesn’t get hurt. He gets caught in a web of energy of an amped Thanos, who destroys a planet of 41 billion beings. Guess what. Thor survives. He also survives an explosion caused by 4 Mjolnir weapons. His own pure soul resists corruption from Mephisto and causes him (Mephisto) pain. In Thor, vol. 2, #10, he wades through Perrikus’ energy blasts, artillery fire doesn’t even bother him (not as impressive, compared to what else he’s survived or been through, but I’ll state it anyway), he also resists having his molecules frozen, and also survives inside the furnace that created Mjolnir (his hammer). Now, for speed feats. He was able to catch Hermes, the God of Speed, while others weren’t able to see him because of his speed:

Thor counters Phoenix with his own blast, and dodges a cursed Mjolnir. He becomes a blur of motion and is in three places at one time (much like the Flash), catches a speedster with his cape, reacts to (and stops) a knife that’s only inches away from his face, catches Bor’s axe, which is also only inches away from his face. In only one and one-fifth seconds, he dives out of the sky, smashes Mjolnir onto the ground, creating a shockwave that diverts a runaway truck from killing a young boy ACROSS the city in Journey Into Mystery #108. He traps the entire Avengers team in a trench (including a speeding Quicksilver). Now, let’s move on to his powers/Mjolnir feats. He can shatter planets with the force of Mjolnir. Thor shatters planets while weakened:

Without the need of Mjolnir, he can create lightning, and also can radiate lightning from his entire being. He can produce lightning from his hands, can do full body lightning blasts, defeats a horde of demons with a full lighting body blast. Even more impressive, he can do a full body god blast as well. He can create whirlwinds that can stop a skrull biological weapon, releases multiple lightning bolts at once, can adapt his mystic lightning to hurt anyone (he even did this on the surface of the sun), and can stop a blast from Odin himself with Mjolnir. His whirlwinds are strong enough to contain a Life Bomb that would destroy one-fifth of the universe, he can absorb an energy easily as such as Hyperion’s heat vision:

He even manipulated the molecules within the sand to trap Hyperion:

He shoots his whirlwinds into space while containing a Gamma Bomb, absorbs enough energy to destroy a galaxy, can control cosmic storms with Mjolnir:

He teleported millions of light years away instantly. A secondary Adamantium Ultron is turned to dust by Mjolnir. Last of all, the antiforce and the god blast. Thor takes down Mangog and Thanos with the antiforce. The god blast is Thor’s most powerful attack. Surter, Ymir, Juggernaut, Exitar, Zelia, and Galactus were all defeated with this blast. (NOTE: SINCE I’M COMING BACK IN AND EDITING THIS, I’M ABOUT TO NAME A LOT OF OTHER FEATS). Thor can summon powerful storms (The First scan is Non-Canon, but quite impressive nonetheless):

Thor can also control Temporal Storms:

Thor can also summon huge solar storms that can allow him to travel faster than light:

Thor can use his powers from his mother, Gaea, to split two nations apart:

He can also summon earthquakes:

He repaired a ruptured moon:

Thor can manipulate energy, which he used on Loki to absorb Loki’s Godly Energies:

He can use his power to negate Cyttorak’s power from the Juggernaut:

He can absorb the Null Bomb, which would have desroyed the Black Galaxy (which, by the way, contained an entire universe):

He can absorb the power of a clone of Thanos, who was able to casually one-shot a planet, and this redirect blast was 100x the original attack:

He also absorbed the Power Cosmic from Silver Surfer’s blasts:

He absorbed Kang’s energy attacks:

He can absorb Glory’s energy, which is comparable to Odin’s power:

Thor can tear the fabric of reality to create portals, and he’s done this many times, like when he went to find his brother, Loki:

He also opened a portal to another universe to redirect the cosmic energy of the Phoenix Force:

He created a portal to a sun/star so he could push someone into it:

He was even able to affect the molecules in the air in order to turn the Absorbing Man into helium:

Using Mjolnir, he transformed a pyramid into a grove of trees:

And he formed his armor out of nothing:

Thor has fired energy blasts at people, like when he shot this guy into the Sun:

He blasted the a door that not even Namor could break:

He can send an omnidirectional blast to annihilate his enemies:

He blasted Kang with a blast that sent Kang through multiple buildings:

He blasted out another wave of energy:

He can cause an atomic flare (what more is there to say? It’s an atomic flare):

I mentioned the Anti-Force earlier. The Anti-Force is a special type of energy that Thor can unleash from Mjolnir, and it moves faster than his lightning:

Thor has injured the Mangog, who no-selled a star-destroying bomb:

The Anti-Force blast can defeat an amped Thanos clone with just one shot:

Another power/blast that I mentioned earlier is Thor’s God Blast. Like I said before, the God Blast is Thor’s greatest move and most powerful attack. Thor was able to phase the Juggernaut with the God Blast:

Thor’s God Blast was stated to be able to kill Galactus (Hungry Galactus is known for “universal and above” feats):

Thor was also able to phase Exitar with the God Blast:

Thor can manipulate magnetic energy in multiple ways. He’s used this power against Arshnem the Celestial:

He catches Loki by magnetising him:

He absorbs Magneto’s magnetic field:

Thor negated Mephisto’s illusions:

He woke from an enchanted sleep:

He undid Hela’s illusion:

He reversed a monster spell:

And he negated Vision’s phasing:

Thor freezes time to stop Hela from taking Odin’s soul:

I’ll freeze time ‘bout his sacred form-- -- And in this way, when we reach our own dimension, Hela’s hand shall be denied him!

He reverses time against The Stranger:

He travels through time:

He created a warp to teleport Surter and Ymir:

Thor can reverse attacks:

Warrior’s Madness allows Thor to become 10x stronger than normal:

Thor overpowered Beta Ray Bill with one arm:

Ikaris, the Prime Eternal, stated that Thor is stronger than he is, and Ikaris has torn through Celestial Armor:

Thor was able to blow a hole in two separate universes:

A blow from Thor can shake the universe:

Thor shook Asgard while fighting the Destroyer:

Thor injured Mangog with only one blow, something that only Odin had done:

Thor overpowered infinitely expanding gravity:

Thor can overpower and even kill The Sentry (this was in an Alternate Universe, but things that happen in A.U.’s can still happen):

The Sentry has been stated to be able to destroy universes.

Thor is stated to have unlimited strength:

Thor, along with Beta Ray Bill, destroyed a portal that dwarfs stars:

Thor’s full power has rarely been shown, but here are some Thor clones not holding back:

Thor is confirmed to be above The Sentry:

Thor stopped a castle from falling into a black hole:

He overpowered the Midgard Serpent, Jormungander, who could have crushed the earth:

Thor is said to be equal to Hercules:

Hercules, who held the entire heavens:

Thor can shake the stars when he hits them (and he can even shatter stars):

He staggered Galactus:

He overpowered Durok the Demolisher:

Who was able to overpower The Surfer

Thor was able to tank blasts from The Celestials:

He shrugged off a Supernova, survived his mind getting torn to shreds, and tanked the heat of 1 million suns:

He also tanked the Unbinding Stone:

Which was powerful enough to erase reality

Thor survived in the essence of Surter, who could burn down Yggsdrasil:

He tanks a blow from Stormbreaker:

He tanked a blast from a Beyonder:

He survived an explosion that destroyed Mjolnir:

He tanked a black hole:

He survives the explosion of a planet:

He can react in less than seconds:

Plus, he can react to Quicksilver:

Thor has moved faster than light:

Thor has reacted to Mjolnir:

Thor can travel an infinite universe:

He reacted to a telepathic bolt (which, by the way, is highly faster than light) while disoriented:

He moved faster than even Heimdall could see:

Not much is said about Thor’s true form, but it’s stated to transcend dimensions:

So, again, there’s a LOT more, but I’m moving on.

MCU Thor:

Now, let me just say: the MCU has weakened all the characters compared to their comic selves. Thor is one of the weakest compared to his comic self. But he is still the most powerful Avenger, though. Now, let’s get started with his feats, shall we? He mortally wounded Thanos:

He turned the tide of the Battle of Wakanda:

He withstood the force of a neutron star (Avengers: Infinity War):

Which restarted the forges of Nidavellir. He took a beating from, and bested, the Hulk without Mjolnir (Thor: Ragnarok):

He survived a collision with a spaceship, survived the destruction of Sokovia, defeated Malekith and the Aether, defeated Surter, defeated Hela, forged Stormbreaker into Thanos, launches a car into multiple Chitauri, throws Mjolnir through a Frost Giant, smacks a Frost Giant into a far off wall, one shots a few Frost Giants, one shots a TON of Frost Giants, throws Mjolnir through multiple Frost Giants, one shots a large rock alien, and punts Iron Man away. In Avengers: Endgame, he’s still worthy, even after everything he’s been through and done. He did his best to help take out Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. Now, while he was “Fat Thor”, as people have started calling the Endgame Thor, he was a lot weaker than he normally is. So he did have difficulty fighting Thanos. But he still gave him a hard time. Thor wields Mjolnir. “Duh”? “Not impressive”? “Of course he can”? “Obviously”? “Well, no duh, dumbass”? Well, think again. He couldn’t ALWAYS wield Mjolnir. He used to be unworthy, even in the comics. The first comic he lifted Mjolnir in was Journey into Mystery #83. In the first movie, when the enchantment is first placed on the hammer, he isn't worthy. Finally, he becomes worthy. So don't tell me "that's not impressive" or "that's not a feat." Also, how many other Avengers can do it? How many other Avengers are worthy enough to wield Mjolnir? Well, let’s see. There’s Captain America, who, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, was able to make Mjolnir budge slightly. But, then, in Avengers: Endgame, he was worthy of Mjolnir:

It is said that the reason for this is because, for a long time, Cap doubts himself. But, in Captain America: Ciil War, he finally stops having selfdoubts, making him worthy of wielding Mjolnir in Avengers: Endgame. Either that, or he just didn't want to embarrass Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Odin was able to because it was his enchantment on the hammer in the first place. Hela can lift Thor’s hammer. As seen in Thor: Ragnarok, she was able to hold Mjolnir back (something even Thor himself thought was impossible. But I won't show a GIF for this, because this is supposed to just be Thor feats anyway), and even destroyed the hammer (with what seemed like no effort at all). While she may not be worthy, she is still the rightful Queen (of Asgard), thus, she is worthy of being Queen. She is able to hold the hammer the same way Odin does, by being stronger than the enchantment which prevents the unworthy from picking it up. Anyway, I’m getting off topic here. My point is, not many are able to lift, or wield, Mjolnir. And, while Captain America is worthy now, he wasn’t always worthy. He became worthy in Avengers: Endgame. There were a LOT of surprises in that movie, though. Now, back to MCU Thor. Let’s move on to MCU Thor’s speed feats, shall we? Thor is 5.8x FTL (Faster Than Light) while flying with Mjolnir. So, some speed feats in battle include: throwing his hammer 770 miles per hour (which is twice the speed of sound and a lot slower than the speed of light, but still impressive nonetheless). Now, for durability, I mentioned a few in the beginning of the MCU Thor feats. But, for durability, I’d have to put MCU Thor near the bottom of the pack. While he can take more damage and pain than most, he still gets damaged, bleeding a lot during his films, and even has an eye removed at one point. So, there’s not much durability feats I can state here. As a matter of fact, the reason he survives the force of the neutron star is because he was just that determined to beat Thanos. The MCU weakens all the heroes (and villains) way lower than the comic character, and, in durability, they really weakened Thor big time.


This took, like, forever (not really, it only took about three weeks), so please enjoy every moment of reading it.

And remember, we say thee nay:

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