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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 20)

Comic Deadpool:

Deadpool possesses great physical strength. He has Olympic level weightlifter strength. His strength is not superhuman, just peak human. I don’t know how much he can lift, so I looked it up, and it said that the exact weight he can lift is unknown. His intelligence is a 120 IQ (source: Google). His speed is (apparently) 29.2 times the speed of sound (source: Google). He is extremely durable, being able to go toe-to-toe with Cable, and even completely pulverising a brick wall with his face. His body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins, due to his accelerated healing factor. He is effectively immortal, though he has been killed several times. His powers/abilities include: telepathy, regenerative healing factor, disease immunity, chemical resistance, extended longevity, telepathic immunity, peak human strength, superhuman stamina, superhuman agility, and immortality. His healing factor surpasses even Wolverine’s sometimes being able to heal/regenerate entire limbs or organs in minutes. He’s an expert in both close and ranged combat. He has limited immunity to telepathy, due to his constantly fluctuating brain cells. I have to be honest, that’s really all I know (I spent my “childhood comic reading times” reading Thor, Spider-man, and Hulk comics. Mainly Thor and Spider-man, but some Hulk ones, too. And a couple Captain America comics. I mean, yes, I’ve read tons of other comics, but I didn’t read many of the other character’s comics. Just enough to make this post).

MCU Deadpool:

I haven’t seen the first Deadpool movie, so I’ll have to use feats from the movie Deadpool 2. I’ll state feats, then show GIFs, just to make it a little longer. So, he blows himself up, but comes back (couldn't find a GIF, dang it. Sorry, though). He gets ripped in half by Juggernaut, but survives:

He blocks Cable’s bullets:

He falls during a fight, landing on a table, breaking his back but survives (no GIF, here’s a picture):

He snaps his neck completely back around. Ok, there’s more feats, of course, but let’s move on to his other kind of feat: talking to the camera. What? That’s not a feat? How so? Last time I checked, no other person does that, other than the news people. Therefore, it’s a feat. So, he talks to the camera:

Also, he’s funny and lot’s of times doesn’t focus on the fight going on, or the danger around him. For example:

He never cares about anything going on around him, as you saw above. Maybe it’s because he’s immortal (or, maybe he’s just a careless guy 🤷):

Like I said, he’s funny and does a lot of amazing stunts (check him out driving this hummer):




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