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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 21)

Comic Wolverine:

I think I’ve only read 2 or 3 X-men or Wolverine comics, so this might be a little short. While possessing the adamantium skeleton, he was capable of lifting (pressing) up to 800 pounds. He can run up to 25-30 miles per hour. His healing factor allows him to heal from gunshot, knife, and other wounds quickly, and, lots of times, instantly. His claws are made of the strongest metal on earth. He has superhuman reflexes, enhanced senses and tracking abilities, and a special healing factor that also slows his aging. He has cut through advanced battle armor that was strong enough to withstand Cyclops’ blasts. He survived a nuclear bomb that was dropped onto Hiroshima. He can heat up his claws to do more damage to his enemy. Before he had adamantium claws, he had bone claws. But, even when they were bone, they could cut through wood, metal, and rock. His adamantium claws are made out of the strongest metal on the planet. And they can cut through anything. As a matter of fact, Wolverine’s adamantium claws is one of the very few things that can pierce the Hulk’s skin, and if they were to fight, Wolverine would have no problem cutting off the Hulk’s head, therefore winning the battle. Also, his adamantium claws can cut Thanos’ armor and thick, purple skin. So, without the gauntlet, Thanos will lose to Wolverine. With the gauntlet....that’s a different story. Now, time to show some Wolverine comic page scans. Here, he lifts a tree and uses it as a bat:

This is him going toe-to-toe with Thanos:

This is him facing Black Panther:

Him facing the Beast:

His catching a shark (for breakfast):

Stabbing the Hulk in the head:

MCU Wolverine:

Wolverine’s running speed can get up to 60 miles per hour. He has superhuman durability, and the adamantium skeleton keeps his bones from breaking. He has cut through chains that were able to hold Hercules, one of the strongest Marvel characters. He cut through spinning helicopter blades. His healing factor:

His claws grew back after they were cut off. Although, the ones that were cut off were his adamantium claws, whereas the ones that grew back were the bone claws. Also, in that same move (the one when his claws got cut off and the one from the GIF), he got some kind of electronic bug (something like that) out of his heart. His heart stopped, but then he woke up/came back to life.

- Wolf of 300

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