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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 21)

Comic Groot:

He has super strength. Marvel’s strength scale ranks him off the charts, with enough strength to lift up to 100 tons. This basically makes Groot the hired muscles of the Guardians of the Galaxy (sorry Drax!). His strength allows him to overpower Armadillo. He has superhuman durability. His “hide” is made of wood that’s dense enough and durable enough to make him immune to most conventional weapons, including gunfire and even fire that would consume most woods. He is also immortal. His abilities/powers are all-natural and stem from the dendronic wood that makes up his entire body. He can control all plant life via psychokinesis, absorbing it into his body and making himself stronger. He has regenerative/regrowth powers, too. Another power he has is clone creation and even size manipulation/body augmentation. Now, I’m going to show some comic page scans of him. He slaps this guy’s head off (literally):

I can’t find any good comic page scans. That sucks, but oh well, I guess I’ll just move on to MCU Groot.

MCU Groot:

In his adult form he stands at 12 foot tall, and is strong enough to take down dozens of Kree soldiers with only one arm. He can elongate any part of his body and make himself taller in a matter of seconds (kind of a strength AND speed feat). He has tallied up enough feats of strength to impress the hardest of Draxs. He can die, but he will grow back. However, he can only grow back if he is replanted. He doesn’t really have many feats, to be honest. I may just have to show a few GIFs. He was able to do this:

After taking out a dozen Kree soldiers, he does this (why? Because he’s funny, that’s why. I’m proud of you Groot! You did a great job, buddy!):

He’s able to talk as a baby:

That’s right, buddy! Black Lives Matter!:

While a destructive battle goes on around him, what does he do?:

- Wolf of 300

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