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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 22)

Comic Gamora:

I don’t know much about comic Gamora. She has superhuman strength and agility, and an accelerated healing factor. She is also an elite combatant, being able to beat most of the opponents in the galaxy. She is one of the fastest fighters in the Marvel universe. She is fast enough to dodge rapid laser fire. Now, in the MCU there are, like, 6 or 7 Guardians of the Galaxy, but in the comics, there’s more like 30. And Gamora is one of the most powerful, coming close to being the most powerful Guardian. She deflects a blast from Spectrum, dodges a point blank laser fire from Thanos’ clone, deflects lasers, quickly dispatches some aliens, smashes a rock thrown by Thanos, and Thanos even admits she’s way faster than him. Honestly, she didn’t really have a big impact in the MCU or the comics. So, I guess I’ll show some comic book page scans. This is her beating up Thanos:

Here, she kicks a bigger guy down, damaging the ground:

She takes down this huge guy:

MCU Gamora:

This may be short, because Gamora hasn’t really had that big of an impact in the MCU. Nevertheless, she is a Marvel hero, so she is in the list. She’s got superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. She’s a skilled assassin, and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. She was trained and cybernetically enhanced by Thanos himself, who called her the “fiercest woman in the galaxy.” He regards her more highly than any of his other “children” and/or soldiers. He (Thanos) trained her in both armed and unarmed combat. She was skilled enough to throw a knife with such great accuracy that she caused Quill to drop the Orb without amputating him. She could easily lift anywhere between 5-10 tons. She’s, like i said, super agile:

And, again, she’s a great fighter:

She was strong enough to break Groot’s...limbs (no pun intended):

And strong enough to handle this [literal] big gun:

And strong enough to focus on hanging on to Drax and the Quinjet (at least, I think that’s what it was):

She dodged this:

She beat up Quill (aka Star-Lord):

She tanks this:

That’s basically all the GIFs I can find. This actually turned out longer than I thought it would, thanks to the GIFs.

- Wolf of 300

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