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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 3)

Who is the character this time, I wonder🤔 Keep reading to find out!


Comic Captain America:

He lifts a tree, curls 500 pounds, beats Wolverine, Spider-man, and US Agent, runs up to 60 miles per hour, survived beatings from Namore and Iron Man, can see bullets, the greatest tactician on earth, beat someone who studied every fighting style on earth, can lift (press) 800 pounds. In Captain America #402, he benches 1,100 pounds:

He is such a great tactician and excellent field commander that the Avengers, X-men, Fantastic Four, and other heroes will all take their orders from him. Thor even says that Captain America is one of the very few mortals he will take orders from and “follow through the gates of Hades.” He has an amazing fighting ability. He has blended Aikido, Boxing, Judo, Karate, Jujutsu, Kickboxing, and Gymnastics into his own unique fighting style and is a master of multiple martial arts. He can attack multiple targets with a single throw of his shield. In canon, he is considered by other skilled fighters as one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the Marvel Universe, and limited only by his human physique. Cap shielded himself from the Human Torch’s Nova flames. He jumps off a skyscraper, the force of his landing causing a shock-wave, tanks a savage beating from Cyttorak 100+ toner Juggernaut with no ill effects, and KOes Juggernaut after a 30 ton dinosaur threw him down with one shield strike. The shield is not only nearly indestructible, but it also absorbs a great deal of kinetic energy due to its Vibranium component (this applies to the comic and the MCU versions of the shield). That’s why Thor and Hulk can pound on it while he is holding it, without sending him to the ground or in the air. Now, I don’t know many feats that Comic Captain America has, so I’ll have to end it here. MCU Cap will have much more feats, though.

MCU Captain America:

He defeats/puts up a fight against Iron Man, although (I believe) Iron Man was holding back in Captain America: Civil War:

He takes on the Quinjet, and even has that infamous elevator fight. His shield tanked a hit from Thor’s hammer in Avengers: Age of Ultron (a blow that caused a shock-wave that, if you watch, you’ll see that it knocks over a dozen soldiers, more or less. Not only that, but it knocks a tank over as well):

And, one of my personal favorites, holds the helicopter:

It's an impressive feat of strength, to say the least. (The science team over at Nerdist has now reviewed the scene and done the math on what it would take for Captain America to pull this off. The helicopter in question is believed to be an Airbus AS350, with 3,000 pounds of lifting capacity). He does this to a punching bag:

He takes a beating from Bucky (but also gives Bucky a beating):

He’s fast enough to block this (now, although I know some people that are fast enough to do this, it’s still impressive):

He’s also fast enough to dodge bullets, even after they’ve been fired. He and Bucky do this to Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War:

He put up a fight against Black Panther in the same movie:

Not impressive? Well, just wait until you get to MCU Black Panther’s section. He also put up a fight against Spider-man (also in the same movie):

"Not impressive.”? “Well, duh, Spidey’s only 17.”? Well, again, wait until you get to MCU Spider-man’s section. Cap does this to Ultron (Avengers: Age of Ultron):

But, enough with the fighting skill feats. Let’s move on to durability feats. He tanks a blow to the face from Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War:

He takes a beating from Iron Man, stating the infamous “I can do this all day”:

Ok, I want to show some things from Avengers: Endgame. So, as I said (and showed) above, in Avengers: Endgame, Cap was worthy of Mjolnir. And, to Thanos’ surprise, proves himself able to hold his own. He does this by picking up Mjolnir and proving himself worthy:

Let's see a few more strength and (although I said we're moving on from them) fighting GIFs, too. GIFs, shall we? He beats up a robot:

He lifts this 10 ton beam:

These next three shows his strength and agility:

He does this to Thanos:

Another agility feat GIF is this one:

Another strength feat GIF:

He jumps out of a very high window:

Rips this log in half:

He can throw his shield with amazing accuracy:

Some agility for you:

This will be the last one, but here's a speed/combat GIF for you:

By the way, this is what happened when he jumped out that window:

Not impressive because he didn't get up? Well, he survived, didn't he? So it's impressive. I think I’ve proven how great Cap is, even though he’s not superhuman, just peak human.


"I am inevitable"

- Wolf of 300

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