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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 32)

Comic Daredevil:

He’s got superhuman senses, echolocative radar sense, and he’s a skilled combatant, acrobat, and martial artist. Some feats include ripping demons apart, ripped off a metal arm, uses a 400 pound weight as a weapon with ease, and has peak human strength, speed, and reflexes. Every sense he has is heightened, because of the accident that left him blind. His radar sense is better than Spider-man’s spider sense, stated by Stan Lee himself. He once had Heimdall’s vision, allowing him to see everything happening in all of the Nine Realms.

MCU Daredevil:

He punched through a car window, knocking out the guy on the other side, punches through a door, and possesses the same powers and abilities as his comic self.

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