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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 33)

Comic Human Torch:

He possesses pyrokinesis. He has a fiery form that enables him to fly, is a shield to many types of damage, possesses heat energy absorption, and, of course, he has heat resistance powers, too. He can control any nearby fire by force of will. He can release all his body’s stored energy in an omni-directional blast called the “Nova-Blast,” which can reach heats up to 1,000,000 degrees fahrenheit. I do believe that is hotter than the surface of the sun, though I could be wrong about that. It's very similar to the heat pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation, with an area of complete destruction of around 900 feet in diameter. He has the ability to even shape his fire into rings and things like that. His flight speed has reached up to about 140 miles per hour. However, he has achieved supersonic speeds fast enough to catch up with other characters, such as the Silver Surfer, but only while in Earth’s orbit, though. He has dodged bullets and lasers. Some of his most impressive feats include knocking the Silver Surfer off his board, burning out all the oxygen in the High Evolutionary’s city, setting a planet-sized object on fire, defeated Dragon Man with the sunstroke, destroyed a building that Annihilus was in, and even went Nova on the Annihilation Wave. He used the Nova Blast to overheat Ultron in Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars #8 (1984). Here are some comic page scans of him:

MCU Human Torch:

He possesses the same exact powers as his comic counterpart. I’m just going to show some GIFs of him instead of talking about him.

- Wolf of 300

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