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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 5)

So, I know I just posted part 4, but, since I missed posting on the weekend, I thought I'd just make up for it by going ahead and posting part 5, too.


Comic Black Widow:

She’s biochemically engineered to heal 4-5 times faster than a normal human, age slower, hardly ever get sick, not lose hair, withstand sun and wind, and miscarry if she ever gets pregnant. She took a serum in 1956 that increased her life span. She karate chops 3 planks of wood in half, karate chops larger planks of wood in half, breaks wood that’s swung at her, shatters a piece of metal over a goons head, kicks a man through a thick partition, and tackles through bulletproof glass (which Captain America was skeptical she could break). She is an expert spy, tactician, and hand-to-hand combatant. She has slowed aging and enhanced immune system. She’s an expert marksman and mastery of various weapons. Equipment, via gauntlets: grappling hook, knockout gas, taser, explosives, tear gas, pellets, and radio transmitter. While she saw the Quinjet purposely torpedo itself in a kamikaze attack on Jormungand, Natasha was found worthy to pick up Mjolnir which allowed her to become the new Goddess of Thunder. She used all the power she had acquired against the serpent and everything else from Asgard, destroying everything in her wake. She’s fast enough to dodge bullets. She took down 100 armed men alone. That’s all I know about Comic Black Widow.

MCU Black Widow:

Able to lift up to 500 pounds (if not a little more), a master in the covert art of espionage, infiltrate and subterfuge. Expert martial artist, with the exceptional agility and athletic ability. Utilizes advanced weaponry including custom stun batons and “Widow’s Bite” bracelets capable of stunning enemies with electrical discharges. She has massively hypersonic reactions and combat speed, and can even cheat lie detectors. She can run up to 35 miles per hour. She fights like this:

Notice how far she jumps to kick that guy (also notice how the Hulk is coming at the camera). But, you don’t think that’s impressive? I’d like to see you try jumping that far to kick your target. Another example of how she fights is this (trust me, that’s not as easy as it looks):

- Wolf of 300

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