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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 7) EDIT

So, now that I’ve gone through the original Avengers, let’s move on to other Marvel heroes, shall we? Ok, so, next up: Spider-man.


Comic Spider-man:

Spider-man’s base strength is the ability to lift up to 25 tons. He has got super-human strength, agility, endurance, can stick to and climb walls, uses self-designed web-shooters, his Spider-Sense warns him of danger, and he’s a genius intellect specializing in chemistry and invention. His webs are strong enough to help him fight the Hulk. One of his best speed feats is when he outran an explosion from its epicenter to a square block away, while carrying a fully grown man. Not sure of the cause of the explosion, but the average speed is 1027 feet per second or 313 metres per second, according to Google. Spider-man’s top running speed is 1,440 (again, that’s according to Google. I find that hard to believe, though, to be honest), though I don’t think he reaches that speed all the time (just rarely, if at all). His speed has helped him dodge punches and even bullets. Also, he has been known to swing from building to building for two miles in eight seconds (although I don’t know if that’s in the MCU or the comics, or both, so I’ll name it here, in the comic section, and also in the next part, the MCU section). His reflexes are 40 times faster than that of a normal human. For durability feats, let’s just say that any durability feats he has, his strength is far above it. One of the main things to remember about his feats is that he has amazing durability. His durability is so great, he can tank blows from opponents that would kill normal human beings easily. That’s all I know, and I can’t think of anymore either, because I haven’t read the Spider-man comics since the 4th grade (I'm in 9th grade now), so I guess I’ll show some comic page scans showing how durable he is. Here he seems to be getting thrown around by the Thing, but still getting back up:

In this scan, Venom throws a car at him, and he doesn’t fall, even though the car hits him:

So, I’ll let that be the end of Comic Spider-man’s feats. Don’t worry, though, because MCU Spider-man’s section will be longer, because I know more about his feats.

MCU Spider-man:

He disables falcons wings, wraps around GiAnt Man’s legs, and he even disarms Captain America and restrains his hands in Captain America: Civil War:

He momentarily holds a boat together (albeit with a LOT of effort):

He prevents a jet engine from spinning, stops a falling elevator with people in it, and even lifts a car into the air:

He stops a train (albeit with a LOT of effort):

(DO NOT LAUGH AT THAT FACE HE MAKES). He stopped the Winter Soldier’s metal arm (effortlessly, I might add):

He survived getting slammed by Thanos:

Of course, that’s the same Thanos that beat the shit out of the Hulk. He even avoided a falling moon while carrying three people, and caught Cull Obsidian’s hammer mid-swing (Cull Obsidian is considered a Thor-Hulk hybrid level. That means that he is as strong/powerful as the Hulk and Thor combined). He lifts a train car, and he’s a lot stronger, faster, and more agile than Black Panther. If you don’t think that is impressive, then, again, wait until you get to MCU Black Panther’s section. You get the point. Let’s move on to the next feat category: speed. So, for speed feats, we got: He outran an explosion, which the speed, on average, is 1027 feet per second (again, as I said in the comic section, I don’t know if this is a comic or MCU feat, so I mentioned it in both sections). He’s faster than (as I said above) Black Panther. But he’s also faster than Captain America, who has dodged bullets. So, think about it: if Cap is fast enough to dodge bullets, and BP is faster than Cap, and Spidey is faster than BP, that means that Spider-man is fast enough to dodge bullets as well. His reflexes are fast enough he manages to do this:

And this:

You get the point. Now, let’s move on to durability feats. For durability, he tanked Miles’s Venom strike, survived getting crashed down while in an airplane (the airplane was coming down from more than 6,000 feet in the sky). This one’s not as impressive as others, but he tanked this:

And this:

And this. Not impressive? Well, this would put you in the hospital. Did it put him there? No, no it did not:

As you can see, Spidey is a lot more durable than normal people. He his good enough that he fought Doctor Octopus while falling through the air (without using his webs, I might add):

He made GiAnt Man stagger in Captain America: Civil War:

He survives getting hit by a train:

He beat the Avengers! (Just kidding. They're wannabe Avengers, though):

He’s super agile:

(nailed it) but for real thoough, he is:

In Spider-man: Far From Home, he has several impressive feats:

He needed a suit, so he made his own:

Again, you get the point. But, let’s move on to his healing factor. He recovers faster than anyone from bee stings despite being stung the worst by Swarm, heals his optic nerves at an astonishing rate, heals from acid in his eyes after only one night of sleep, he broke his arm, and it healed in one night, however, despite all of this, he does NOT have a healing factor (at least, not like many other heroes). Yes, he heals faster than normal human beings, but, unlike Deadpool or Wolverine, he doesn’t heal instantly, only quicker. So, it’s an advantage and disadvantage at the same time. He has recovered from second and third degree burns after only a couple of days after the wounds were medically treated. Injuries that should take weeks to heal only take hours for Spider-man. Bullet wounds heal in about eight hours (more or less), unless, of course, they hit something really important (like his heart, for example). He literally slept them off early in his career. Now, although he has this to his ability, that doesn’t mean it would necessarily help him win, like it would with, say, Wolverine. For example, if Wolverine got stabbed through the stomach, as soon as the sword/knife was pulled out, he would heal. That’s not the case with Spider-man. It would take Spidey at least a couple of days to heal from that. Now, for his “spider sense.” Obviously this is a great advantage because it warns him of danger. It’s probably helped him in every fight. His reflexes are already 15-20 times faster than a normal human, so his spider sense helps with that, allowing him to react even faster.

(EDIT): - In Spider-man: No Way Home, Tobey's and Andrew's Spider-man were both able to help create the cure for the villains of their universes. Tom's Spider-man was able to cure them all, with the help of the other two. That's pretty much it, because, in that movie, that's all they really did was prove their speed and agility and whatnot, which we already knew they had. Now, I know I could keep going on and on, but I think I’m ready to change the character. Who’s next, I wonder....

- Wolf of 300

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