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Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats (Pt. 8)

The last one was Spider-man, this one's Scarlet Witch.


Comic Scarlet Witch:

First, let me just say, I don’t know anything about the comic Scarlet Witch, so everything I list here in this section is from Google. Ok, now, for Scarlet’s feats. She threw Vision through the floor, created her own Avengers, manipulated chaos magic, ended several heroes, created a new brotherhood, and has healed Charles Xavier. Her superpower is unlike any other - she can alter probability so as to cause mishaps for her opponents. Scarlet Witch was the second highest ranked female character on IGN’s list of “The Top 50 Avengers”, and was ranked 97th in Wizards200 greatest comic book characters of all time” list. She has the power of psychokinesis, which is also known as telekinesis, according to some specific definitions. The fact that Scarlet Witch has this power, as well as the rest of her powers, proves that she is stronger than Black Widow, who is only a peak human. She is also more powerful than Standard Thor. Despite the fact that Superman has bested many magical foes in the past, he doesn’t really have any good defenses against Scarlet. With that being said, she could probably defeat him. And we ALL know how powerful Superman. Some say that she is more powerful than Captain Marvel. I cannot confirm this, though, because, like I said, I know nothing about the comic Scarlet Witch. Her power level, in the comics, is a 9.3. Her power can warp reality and existence and bring total destruction to the cosmos. Her powers include: magic, telepathy, reality warping, psionics, teleportation, flight, and probability manipulation. In the comics, she is one of the most powerful mutants in existence. Anyway, I can’t seem to find any speed or durability feats, so I’m guessing she has no speed feats, or, if she does, they aren’t impressive. I’m thinking she DOES, however, have durability feats, but probably not impressive ones, though. So, I guess this section will be based only on her strength/power feats. When it comes to just raw abilities, Scarlet is (probably) stronger than Doctor Strange (whether this is talking about the comics or the MCU, I have no idea, so, in the MCU Scarlet Witch section, I’ll mention this again). I’ll show some comic page scans of her power feats. In this one, I have no idea what she’s doing, but it looks kind of impressive, so take a look:

Here she seems to have taken out a whole army, though I have no idea how large that army was:

(why her clothing is so revealing, I have no idea, but whatever. Maybe it’s because many guys would find it hot, or sexy, but anyway, just ignore it, I guess). Ok, no idea if my assumption about what happened here is correct, but I think common sense tells me what she did:

Not exactly sure what’s going on, but i think this looks impressive as well:

Well, I think that’s enough for the comic Scarlet Witch. Now, let’s move on to the MCU Scarlet Witch, shall we? Everything I name there will be from my own knowledge, because, unlike the comic version of Scarlet Witch, I know much about the MCU Scarlet witch.

MCU Scarlet Witch:

Her powers include chaos magic, telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectronic interfacing that allows her to both read thoughts and also give her targets waking nightmares. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, she has scientifically enhanced magical abilities, reality warping, teleportation, time manipulation, probability manipulation, and energy and matter manipulation. I will now show some scenes where she is using her powers:

I couldn't find the full scene, but what happens is she takes out a lot of robots:

Plus, why are people obsessing about Black Widow. I mean, Scarlet is a lot hotter than Black Widow. But, I guess that's just my opinion.

- Wolf of 300

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