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Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 1)


Roman equivalent: Jupiter. He is the god of the sky and lightning. He is considered the ruler, protector, and father of all gods and humans (in Greek mythology). He is represented by symbols such as the lightning bolt and the eagle. He was regarded as the sender of thunder, lightning, rain, and wind, and his traditional weapon is the lightning bolt. He also rules as the king of gods of Mt. Olympus. He is respected as the All-father who was called the chief of gods. While he was atop Mt. Olympus, he was appalled by human sacrifices and other signs of human decadence. He decided to wipe out mankind and flooded the world (sound familiar?) with the help of Poseidon. Throughout history, he has been known to use violence to get his way and terrorize humans. Zeus had many children. Some were Olympic gods, such as Ares, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, and Apollo. He also had some half human children, too, such as Hercules and Perseus. Other famous children include the Muses, the Graces, and Helen of Troy. He was extremely powerful, strong, charming, and persuasive. But, he gets in trouble over love, and can be moody. One of his weaknesses is beautiful women (yes, you read that right). You see, he had a weakness for women and often cheated on his wife, Hera many times. As the ruler of the heavens, Zeus led the gods to victory against the Giants. He was the most important deity of ancient Greece. Did you know, each year, the Olympics were held by the Greeks in honor of Zeus. Zeus originally married Titan Metis, but grew worried that she would have a son that was stronger than him, so he swallowed her and married Hera. He had a very powerful shield called the Aegis. While he sided with the Trojans in a war, his wife, Hera, sided with the Greeks.

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