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Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 2)

Last one was Zeus, this one is Poseidon.



Roman name: Neptune. He is the god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses and is considered one of the most bad-tempered and greedy Olympian gods. He was known to be vengeful when insulted. He is the son of Kronos, making him the brother of Zeus and Hades. He was swallowed by his father, along with Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia. His symbols include the Trident (also his weapon), fish, dolphin, horse, and bull. He had several children, including Orion, Triton, Theseus, and Polyphemus. He had the abilities of water manipulation, hydrokinesis, and atmokinesis. He is the second most powerful Greek god of Mt. Olympus, right under Zeus. It’s said that he created the very first horse by striking a rock with his trident. He had a very violent character. He couldn’t stand Zeus’ arrogant behavior as ruler, so he teamed up with Hera and Athena to try to teach Zeus a lesson. However, with help from Thetis and Briareus, Zeus overpowered them. As I’ve said, Poseidon was often greedy - especially when it came to earthly kingdoms. Just like his brother, Zeus, Poseidon had a weak spot for women. His home was the Aegean Sea. He sided with the Greeks during the Trojan War.

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