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Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 9)


Roman name: Diana. Artemis is the goddess of hunting, wild nature, and chastity. She is the sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus, regarded as a patron of girls and young women and a protectress during childbirth. Her symbols include the moon, bow and arrow, and hunting dog. She had the ability of perfect aim with a bow and arrow, the ability to turn herself and others into animals, the powers of healing, causing disease, and control over nature. She spent most of her time in the wilderness surrounded by wild animals and hunting dogs. Artemis is a virgin goddess, probably because she doesn’t like men. Her sacred animals are the bear, wild boar, and the deer. Her weapon, her bow and arrow, are silver. She helped her mother give birth to her twin brother, Apollo. I saw her name in the bible once. I didn’t read anything about her, though, just saw the name Artemis. She is known for her courage and hunting skills. Not only that, but she was known for her harsh punishments as well. During the Trojan War, she sided with the Trojans.

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