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Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 5)

Athena VS. Freya:


Greek: She has the ability to invent useful items and crafts. So, if given prep time, she could probably invent something very useful for the fight. She’s very intelligent and a powerful defendant in war, too. Zeus allows her to use his lightning bolts, which would give her a great advantage. And, since she is the goddess of war, that also gives her a great advantage as well.

Marvel: She possessed superhuman strength that was substantially greater than the average Olympian goddess. Whereas the average Olympian goddess can lift around 25 to 30 tons, Athena could lift about 35 tons. She possesses the normal Marvel Greek Olympian god/goddesses stuff: superhuman strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, the inability to age, immortality, immunity to terrestrial diseases, and a regenerative healing factor, too.


Norse: Photokinesis. Her power is what lights up her realm instead of the/a sun. She has the power to control others’ good fortunes and desires, though that’s not going to help you, is it, Freya?

Marvel: Again, all the normal Marvel gods/goddesses abilities: superhuman strength, agility, reflexes, stamina, immortality, et cetera. She can also wield powerful magic, as well, which might give her a slight advantage over Athena.

Winner: Look, I hate to say it, but I don’t think Freya stands a chance, unless she uses the magic. But, even then, Athena could be durable enough to take it, then end Freya. This one goes to Athena, the Greek goddess of war, at least 8/10 times.

- Wolf of 300

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