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Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 6)

Apollo VS. Baldur:


Greek: Like all the Olympians gods, he is an immortal and very powerful god. He has the ability to see into the future and power over light. He can even heal people or bring illness and disease. When in battle, he is extremely deadly with a bow and arrow.

Marvel: He has all the other Marvel god abilities. But he also has heat-vision and a high degree of invulnerability.


Norse: He has power over light, and can move at speeds faster than Kratos and Atreus. He uses this to help in combat, darting around the enemies before striking them. His reflexes are equally as fast, being able to dodge and counter Kratos before he can even react.

Marvel: The normal Marvel god abilities. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and he’s also resistant to some magic, which could help in the fight. Well, maybe, anyway.


So, this one’s kind of tough. See, Apollo could cause a lot of light to shine, temporarily (or possibly permanently, but I doubt that) blinding Baldur. But, then again, Baldur could do the same thing. I’d have to give this fight to Apollo, though, due to Marvel Apollo’s heat-vision.

- Wolf of 300

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