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Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 8)

Demeter VS. Sif:


Greek: Of course she has all the other Olympian god/goddesses normal powers (superhuman strength, stamina, etc.). She had the power of control over the harvest and could cause plants to grow or not grow. She also had control over the seasons as well, some control over the weather, and could make people hungry.

Marvel: Just the same as the Greek mythology Demeter.


Norse: She has the normal Norse goddess powers: superhuman strength, agility, durability, stamina, immortality, etc. I don’t know what other powers she has, though.

Marvel: Superhuman strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, durability, longevity, skilled hand-to-hand combatant, and proficient use of weapons.


So, just by using the above evidence, this fight goes to Demeter at least 9/10 times. I’m sorry Sif, but, as much as I love you, I have to give the victory to Demeter.

- Wolf of 300

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