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Norse Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 7)


Tyr is the Norse god of war. He’s a brave warrior and he championed order and justice. He is the son of either the All-father Odin or the jotun Hymir. In Norse mythology, he has one hand because one of them was bitten off by the giant wolf Fenris when the gods were trying to tie him up. Some of his half-siblings include some of the most important gods in Norse mythology, including Thor, Baldur, Hod, and even Heimdall. He’s only the central character in two myths, though. In one of the stories he’s in, he just disappears from the story altogether mid-way through it. As I mentioned earlier, he lost his hand because Fenris bit it off, and that’s what he’s mostly known for throughout Norse mythology. Fenris grew up on Asgard, but Tyr was the only god really brave enough to approach him. The gods knew that the giant wolf would have a really big role during Ragnarok, so they tried to tie him up. But the wolf always broke the rope. So the gods had dwarves make a special rope that would not break and they challenged Fenris. Tyr had to place an arm in Fenris’s mouth so the gods could tie him up, though. When Fenris realized that the bonds were not going to break, he bit down on Tyr’s hand.

- Atlas

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