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More Fun Facts!

So, I made a post a while back call Fun Facts! Well, I kind of got bored, so here's some more facts for you. Cats walk like camels and...

Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 7)

Ares VS. Tyr: Ares: Greek: As the god of war, he is a very superior fighter in battle and caused great bloodshed and destruction wherever...

Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt 12)

Hephaestus: Roman name: Vulcan. Hephaestus was the god of fire, smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, stone-masonry, and sculpture. His...

Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 6)

Apollo VS. Baldur: Apollo: Greek: Like all the Olympians gods, he is an immortal and very powerful god. He has the ability to see into...

Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 10)

Aphrodite: Roman name: Venus. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation. Her symbols include myrtles,...

Greek Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 9)

Artemis: Roman name: Diana. Artemis is the goddess of hunting, wild nature, and chastity. She is the sister of Apollo and daughter of...

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