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Norse Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 8)

Hod: Hod is the blind god of winter and warriors and he’s often associated with darkness and night time. He’s the son of the All-father...

Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 10)

Aphrodite Vs. Freyja: Aphrodite: Greek: She has the power of love and desire. She owns a belt that causes others to fall in love with the...

Atlas (Greek Mythology)

So, now that I've changed my rap stage name to Atlas, I think I'm just going to tell you guys about the Titan Atlas from Greek mythology....

Norse Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 7)

Tyr: Tyr is the Norse god of war. He’s a brave warrior and he championed order and justice. He is the son of either the All-father Odin...

Roman Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 8)

I haven't posted anything on the Roman Gods and Goddesses in a while, so I'm going to post part 8. - Ceres: The Roman counterpart of...

DC/DCEU Heroes' Feats (Pt. 12)

Comic Batwoman: She’s a very great acrobatic and archer. She’s very good with gadgetry, investigation, and leadership (much like Batman)....

I'm Hurting Right Now

I'm falling in love with this girl, but I can't even see her today. It's been hurting me all day, and it might be stupid, but the reason...

Zodiac (Pt. 2) Gemini

Let’s do Gemini next. So, Gemini is very extroverted and clever. The girl I like is a Gemini, and so far there hasn’t been a boring...

Zodiac (Pt. 1)

So, let’s start with Capricorn, shall we? Because, y’know, I’m a Capricorn. It’s the tenth sign in the zodiac signs. We Capricorns are...

Zodiac (Introduction)

So, we all know about all my other categories (Comic and MCU Marvel Heroes' Feats, Norse Gods and Goddesses, etc., etc.). But now I'm...

In My Feelings

I'm in my feelings, but it's honestly nothing new. It's just been a minute since I felt this way, for real. I honestly don't know what...

Roman Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 7)

Mars: The Roman counterpart of Ares, Mars is the god of war. He’s also an agricultural guardian. He’s the son of Jupiter and Juno. It’s...

Norse Gods and Goddesses (Pt. 6)

Heimdall: He’s the watchman of the gods. He has the whitest skin of all the gods, and stands at the entry of Asgard, guarding the Bifrost...

Norse VS. Greek Battles (Pt. 10)

Aphrodite Vs. Freyja: Greek: She has the power of love and desire. She owns a belt that causes others to fall in love with the wearer....

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